Chapter 3 - The Rogue in Town

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As promised, my father watched a movie with me and even let me pick out which movie we would watch even though I know he hated those girly movies I love. As I picked Crazy Stupid Love off the movie shelf he nearly groaned but he sat through the whole of it, and then found out that he actually liked it.

"Wow. I'm surprised. It was actually kind of funny." he stated.

"See? I'm not that bad at picking out movies."

He ruffled my hair in response to which I shot him a glare.

Despite it being just a few hours after being rejected, I already felt a little bit better with the help of my dad. I felt as though I could eventually move on and that it wasn't the end of the world for me. I just needed some time and then I could be back on track again, looking for love.

I went to bed and tossed and turned all night, trying to figure out exactly where my heart lay and what my next move should be. I was feeling better but I was still heartbroken. I shook my head. My feelings were flopping back and forth between feeling alright and feeling like complete crap.

Eventually, in the early hours of the morning I managed to fall asleep. I was a natural early riser and I loved mornings so I was up and out of bed by eight o'clock. My dad had already left since he had to work today so I was left to my own devices for the day. I decided to make myself some homemade chocolate chip waffles even though I'd had them yesterday. I just couldn't get enough of them!

Once again, I drenched them in fresh Canadian syrup, syrup that tastes like no other and you can't get anywhere else but up here in the north. Aunt Jemima can kiss my ass.

As soon as I finished my breakfast I resolved not to be completely lazy today so I borrowed my dad's other car and drove into town. There wasn't much in town, just a few little boutiques and some candy shops, but I was in the mood for some rehab shopping and some sweets wouldn't kill me either.

The Town is only something us werewolves know about so it's completely secluded to the humans but the Town is at the centre of were all of the different pack territories end, meaning the Town is the only place where all of us can freely get together. Including the rogues in this area.

Rogues are werewolves who have either been cast out of their pack or left by choice. They are normally more agressive than your average werewolf which is why most people stay clear of them and try to avoid any sort of confrontation.

I parked the car in the first empty space I could find, grabbed my purse from the passanger seat and headed out into the cold winter air. I shivered as I left the comfort of my heated car. Being a new adult female werewolf meant that my body still hadn't adjusted to all the changes so I was still suceptible to cold. That would change in a few weeks though.

I spent the day, walking around and shopping in the boutiques, getting a few clothes here and there. I finally gave into the desire to get some food and stopped in at a little coffee shop.

"Hey Katie girl." the owner of the store and my Uncle, greeted me.

"Hey Uncle Paul." I smiled.

I've been coming here since I was a little girl. Uncle Paul was my mom's older brother and before she died she used to bring me here nearly every weekend.

"A triple chocolately hot chocolate with vanilla ice cream on the top?" he asked.

"Yup, the usual." I grinned. "Oh, and I think I want a double chocolate chip cookie. Actually give me three. I'm starving!"

"Anything for my favourite niece!"

"Uncle Paul, I'm your only niece." I reminded him.

"Which means you're my favourite."

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