Chapter : 34 Rebellious

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Soon, it was time to go back to Hogwarts. I was standing near the fireplace, waiting for Draco, so we could go together. He and I hadn't talked to each other since the fight. I knew he was angry with me mainly because I wouldn't tell him what was going on, and to tell the truth, I was really considering telling him. The war was fast approaching, and he would have to know. Maybe if I told him a little earlier, he would have time to process and accept the truth.

He finally came and we stepped into the fire. We ignored each other the entire time we walked up to the Prefect's Quarters. It was upsetting that we were like this. I had tried to talk to him, but he just shut me out. So, finally I gave up. I would talk to him, when he finally made up his mind. I will admit, I was still a little angry for what he had done, and whenever I thought about it, my blood boiled a little. But I tried to convince myself that he did it out of care for me.

I left Draco in the lounge and made my way to the Gryffindor common room where I found Neville, Dean and Ginny sitting in a corner and I joined them.

'Hey Ava. Any news?' Asked Dean.

'Actually, yeah. I came across Harry and Ron and Hermione at Malfoy Manor.'

'What!' Exclaimed the three of them together.

'Yeah, they were caught by some snatchers and brought there to be delivered to the Dark Lord. They escaped, though barely. You Know Who was furious with us.'

'That means he is alive then. We can't give up on him, not yet, not ever. Something tells me that he will come here soon. And we have to be ready for him', said Neville.

'Where's Luna?' I asked. Even though she was a Ravenclaw, she was always with us in the Gryffindor common room and during mealtimes.

'Didn't you hear', said Ginny, her face had become serious, 'her father was arrested by some death eaters for trying to trick them. Luna was also captured along with them.'

'Oh my gosh! I did not know that. I am sorry. Ugh! I hate what these people think they can do. They are ruining the lives of so many people, taking away their livelihood from them. Sometimes I can't even bear to look at my dark mark because of it.'

'No Ava, you are definitely nothing like those creeps. I mean the fact that you are sitting here and exchanging information with us itself proves it', said Ginny.

'Yeah, that's true. By the way, how are things between you and Malfoy?' Asked Dean.

'Things have been a little rough between us since Harry appeared at Malfoy Manor. He stopped me when I tried to help them, and it kind of got on my nerves and I said some things I shouldn't have. And, well, one thing led to another.... we haven't talked since.'

'I'm sure you'll patch things up. You always do', assured Neville.

'Thanks guys', I said and gave them a grateful smile. I was happy that I had friends like them. Sometimes I mentally kicked myself for not talking to them earlier.


In the next few weeks a lot happened. The Carrows were becoming more and more strict and harsh with their punishments. They hit kids who defied them or stood up to them. Everyday there were at least ten students in the hospital wing being tended to by Madam Pomfrey, who kept bustling hither and thither.

But it reached my limits when Alecto Carrow hit Neville, square across the face, for refusing to perform the Cruciatus Curse on students who "earned" detention. He got another bruise from Amycus, for standing up to her. Neville just waved it off with his hand when we asked him if it hurt and not a day had passed, before I found Seamus standing with a bleeding nose and badly bruised upper lip.

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