Chapter XVIII

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(Might be a little sad and depressing)

Sammy stayed in his office for about 5 hours, crying. Both Henry and Bendy waited and talked for a while until Henry got up and went into Sammy's office.

"Hey you uhh.. need anything?" Henry asked crouching next to Sammy. Sammy wiped his inky tears and shook his head.

Henry sighed walked out, "Actually... can I get a spare projector? I wanna test something out."

Henry nodded, confused and walked out. Comeing back in a few moments later with a projector. Sammy mummbled a thanks and Henry left the room. Sammy placed the projector on the desk and he stood up. He walked over to the exit of his office and closed the metal door.

Sammy sighed and wlaked over to his desk again. Picking up the burt reel that belonged to Norman, he carefully placed the reel into the projector. He started up the projector and dimmed the lights the best he could. He watched a pale yellow screen started on the wall in frount of him. He slid down the side of his desk and watched the screen. A few minutes of flickering went on and a few rumbles.

Sammy sighed in defeat until her heard talking, "Then press that switch." He heard Joey's voice.

Sammy looked up and saw the screen move as if it were someone looking around, "Yeah I messed with 'em before." Norman spoke but the screen didn't show him.

"Well you'll be starting early then. Go meet the music dirctor in the music department." Joey spoke again, a grin placed on his face. It was the onky smile Sammy ever saw on him that wasn't satanic.

"Alright." And the screen started moving. It showed various halls until it stopped at the music department.

Sammy spent hoirs in his office watching bits a pieces of the film. Inky tears fell down his blank face. He eventually took his cracked mask off to see the screen more clearly.

Bendy fell asleep on a chair. Suddanly Bendy fell off the chair and landed on the floor with a loud thud. Henry jumped and looked beside him. Bendy didn't wake up but was now just a puddle on the floor. Henry sofly laughed but thennwent back to drawing random doodles.

Hours passed of Henry drawing, Bendy sleeping, and Sammy watching Norman's film.

Sammy curled up in a ball and kept rocking himself forward then back. Thick black tears kept falling. Jack popped up earlier to comfort Sammy but it didn't help much. Jack decided to stick around, for Sammy's sake.

Sammy dug his head in his knees and continued to cry. When he heard laughing he looked up. There was a scene when Norman and Sammy were in his other office. The were talking and Sammy made a joke that made Norman laugh. It was one of the rare times Norman ever laughed. Sammy slightly smiled at his laugh. It wasn't rough and shakey, it was soft.

Norman kept laughing and that made Sammy's heart ache even more. Jack noticed and groaned at Sammy quietly.

"I-I'm fine... I geuss." Sammy said sniffling. Jack crossed his inky arms. "Really. I'm f-fine."

Sammy smiled but wasn't noticeable since, well, he has no face. Sammy looked back at the film and stayed in his office for a little while.

Henry was worried for Sammy, so he got up from his chair and walked over to the door to Sammy's office. He knocked softly on the door and waited for a bit. He heard a muffled "What?"

"Just checkin' on you." Henry replyed leaning on the door.

"Yeah," There was silence, "I'm alright..."

Henry nodded even though Sammy couldn't see it. He sighed and walked back to his seat and leaned back. He sighed and stared at the black puddle on the floor.

"Staring is kinda rude,"

Henry slightly jumped but chuckled sadly, "Sorry."

"It's alright..." The room was uncomfortably quiet until Bendy spoke up again, "Yah think Sammy'll be okay?... Or... If we can, yah know...

Get out?"

( Hello my depressed peeps. Sorry this more about Sammy and Norman. 677 words. Whee-Ohh!!)
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