Chapter II

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Bendy looked at the hole Henry fell through and chuckled. He turned around to look at the Ink Machine shooting out ink. He turned to face the wall to his right and walked into it.

Henry woke up confused. The last he remembered was going to the Ink Machine and then blank. Henry sat up and rubbed his head.

Henry looked around the saw an axe leaning on the wall. He got up and picked up the axe. The axe was lightweight so it was an easier axe to swing. Henry walked over to a boarded up door, swinging the axe on the wood to break it, then opened it. It was a room with two coffens and a pentagram in the middle of the room.

"I remeber this room." Henry said to himself. He carefully climbed on the chairs to not touch the pentagram. He got to the other side without getting those weird images. "Phew."

The animator broke the boards on the other door, opposite the pentagram, and walked in. He noticed that more ink was dripping down the walls and ceiling than normal. Henry shrugged it off and continued. He reached the music studio then out of nowhere a searcher came up. Henry swinged the axe at the searcher but it doged. The inky blob hit the axe out of Henry's hands and it flew across the room.

Henry backed up into a corner and mentally cursed to himself. He closed his eyes. He waited like that for a minute then opened his eyes. He was suprised to see Sammy with the axe and a blob of ink on the floor.

"So, you came here faster than i thought." Sammy said, his voice a bit rough.

"Why'd you help me?"

"Cause' I'm done with this bullshit!"

Henry tilted his head.

"I hate this place and I don't want to be here anymore."

"We all do, Sammy." Henry paused. "Sammy?"

"Yeah?" Sammy stood straight and not hunching over.

"I noticed there were barely any Bendy cut-outs. Did you forget to place them down?"

Sammy staired at Henry for a moment, "No. I gave up."

"You gave up? What do you mean?"

"No matter what, Bendy will kill me. Over, and over, and over. So I'm done." Sammy sounded a bit annoyed when he said 'Bendy.'

"Oh." Is all Henry said.

"C'mon. Let's get going before more searchers come up."

Henry nodded and followed Sammy to his office. The door was open so they didn't need to do the while music, puzzle, thing. Henry saw that Jack (the searcher with the bowlers hat) had his head poked out the toilet. Sammy sat down at his desk.

Moments passed of Henry and Sammy just talking and Sammy playing some songs he found around the studio with his banjo.

There was a rolling sound from outside the office and Sammy motioned for Henry to stay inside. Sammy picked up the axe and walked to the small hallway to the exit.

Out of nowhere Bendy came out and grabbed Sammy by the neck, making him drop the axe. Sammy kicked at Bendy's arm the hit him hard in the rib cage. Bendy dropped Sammy and growled. Henry imidiantly got up. Jack went inside the toilet to hide. Sammy picked up the axe and hit Bendy on the leg. Bendy roared in pain and stumbled falling to one knee.

"Henry! Run!"

Henry didn't take any chances and ran out the office. Henry went to his left where the broken window was to the recording booth where the voice actors or singers would sing or act. (I know obvious right?) Henry climbed throught and bust open the door. He closed the door behind him and could only heard muffled sounds from behind.

Now that Henry's eyes adjusted to the dark he could see it was the place where Sammy would normally tie Henry up to be 'sacrificed.' He speed-walked to the only exit in the room besides the door: the hallway he got chased in.

(Yay! Cliffhanger! Not. Ok well we got more words in than last time,673. Hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter of mine.)
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