Chapter VII

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Bendy paced around Heavenly Toys waiting for Henry. They planned to meet here to hang out, but Henry was late. Bendy stopped when he heard a click from above, and growled.

"Is your toy a little late?"

"Fuck off, Alice." Alice chuckled. Bendy cringed at the "angel's" laugh.

There was another click and Bendy sighed in relief. The tapping of feet got the demons attention.

"Sorry I'm late. Boris wouldn't let me-"

"So you snuck out?" Bendy cut him off crossing his arms.

"What? No, I just covinced him to let me go" Henry smiled.

Bendy nodded and sat down on the edge of the inky fountain. Henry followed Bendy and sat next to him.

"How's your cheek?" Bendy messed with a chip of wood that came off the side.

"It's ok. Boris has been helping healing it." Henry looked off into space.

Bendy couldn't help but stair at Henry. He didn't know why he suddenly just changed his emotions toward the guy. Bendy felt butterflies in his stomach and felt his whole body heat up. Henry noticed Bendy was stairing and the demon quickly focused back to the chip of wood in his hands.

Henry smiled and scooted closer to Bendy. The two sat, talked, and joked around with each other. When they were both tired, they parted ways.

Bendy walked into a wall and Henry walked down the hall. He felt the air around him get thicker. Henry looked behind him but saw nothing. He shrugged it off, when he faced forward everything went black.

Henry woke up straped to a chair. Everything was blurry and shakey. Once he could see properly, he saw the last person he wanted to see.

"Ah, my errand boy finally woke up." Alice stood with her hands on her hips facing Henry.

Henry looked down not wanting to look at the angel. " What do you want, Alice?"

"Nothing much. I just need you to collect.... hearts." She giggled.

Henry looked up at Alice, confused. He had no idea why she wanted Henry to imidiantly collect hearts. But, the angel was confusing non the less. Alice untied the ropes around Henry and shooed him out.

"Now go collect my hearts."

"But what about a wepo-" And with that, the door slammed shut. Henry mubbled something then walked over the lake of dead butcher gang members and ink. When Henry got to the elevator he sighed. He got inside, pressed level 14, and off he went.

(Heyah guys and gals! Sorry this chapter is short. I just didn't really know how to start or end this chapter. But! There will be two of my favorite people in the next chapter! 411 words...)
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