Chapter IV

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Bendy was standing in the doorway, ink dripping down his face more than ussual. Henry could tell, Bendy was pissed.

Henry backed up into a wall as Bendy was walking closer to him. Bendy grabbed Henry's neck and lifted him off his feet.

"B-Bendy? What are you doing?!"

"I'm going to make you regret coming back here."

Bendy growled and tighted his grip around Henry's neck.

"Why are you so upset! I thought you would be happy to see m-"

Bendy interrupted him by tightening his grip again. "Well I'm not! You left us! With Joey of all people! He killed Boris, Henry. He tortured us!"

"Bendy I'm sorry you had to go through that! I'm sorry for all of you!"

"If you were sorry... you would have said goodbye and told us."

"I wanted to, Bendy. I really did! But Joey wouldn't let me. I'm sorry."


Henry flinched at Bendy's words. He truly was sorry. He wanted to see Bendy and Boris again.

"I'm really sorry," Is all Henry could say and think.


Bendy threw Henry to the middle of the room. Henry almost blacked out by the force of the fall. Bendy picked Henry back up by the neck and held him in the air. Henry clawed at Bendy's wrist. Since it was just Bendy's clawed hand it was easy to hold Henry's neck.

"Bendy... please... stop..." Henry mannaged to choke out. He could barely breath by the force on his neck.

"Stop? STOP? You really don't get it, do you? I don't care about you anymore! You lied to me! You said you would never leave me."

Henry thought he heard Bendy sob when he was done talking. "I never... lied. I'm here... aren't I?"

"Yes... you are.. But you weren't when I needed you the most!! You just left. Without a word! No warnings. No goodbyes. You just left!" Bendy tried not to stutter even though he was on the verge of crying.

"Bendy I'm.. telling the truth... I didn't want to leave."

"You are always a bad liar!" Bendy felt like he was going to break down. He just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep forever.

"Bendy I-"

"SHUT UP!!" Bendy thre Henry again, out of anger, onto the floor. Bendy was breathing hard untill he just broke down and cried.

Henry slowly stood up and could heard the sobs and hicups from Bendy. Bendy hand his hands covering where his eyes would be, if they weren't covered in ink. Henry could hear Bendy mumballing things to himself.

Henry brought up the courage to say something, "Bendy?"

Bendy uncovered his eyes and staired at Henry. "W-what?" Bendy winced at his stuttering.

Henry opened his arms, "Need a hug?"

Bendy stood there in silance and shock, "wai- what? W-why..." Bendy was confused what Henry was doing.

"C'mon. You always liked hugs." Henry smiled.

Bendy staired at Henry a bit longer then looked down, and nodded slowly. He sulked over to Henry and looked down at him before hunching over and placing his "chin" on Henry's shoulder. Henry had to put a foot back to support them both so they don't fall. The creator wrapped his arms around Bendy and petting Bendy's back, receiving quiet raspy purrs. Bendy just relaxed letting his arms slouch down, almost touching the floor.

"I'm sorry, Henry," Bendy said crying and wrapping his arms under Henry's. "I'm so, so sorry!"

Henry leaned his head on Bendy's and kept petting his back. "It's ok Bendy."

"No it's not!! I hurt you! I hurt everyone! Just beacuse I was mad..." Bendy hugged Henry a bit tighter like he was going to lose him.

Henry broke the hug and held Bendy's head in his hands and staried at him. "It's not your fault, Bendy. It's mine. You did nothing. You were still learning, then I left. It's my fault... ok?"

Bendy stood up and nodded. Henry reached up and pat Bendy's head, Bendy flinched a little but it wasn't noticeable. They stood and staired at each other for a bit. Suddenly Bendy put his clawed hand on Henry's cheek. Bendy had to admit, he didn't know what the hell he was doing. Henry was confused and just stood still. Bendy was slowly leaning closer to Henry.

Bendy was close to Henry's face until something startled him. There was a clank from behind.

(HAHA! I RUINED EVERYTHING!! I'm sorry, please don't kill me. Welp I hope you like that short cute moment with Bendy and Henry. 767 words!!)
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