Chapter I

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Henry went into another loop. He sighed and dragged his feet. He didn't even bother talking. He walked up to his desk and sat down. Henry had staring contest with the cardboard cut-out of Bendy.

The creator got up and walked over to the Ink Machine Joey wanted to show him 50,000,000 loops ago. Henry put the power cells into their slots and pulled the Ink Machine up. Henry glared at the giant machine.

Henry sighed, "Here we go again." He turned around and did everything all over to turn the machine on.

Henry turned the corner to where the dead Boris clone was and walked over to him before he ran up to get jumpscared by Bendy. Henry starred at the Boris and caressed his cheek. It was cold and still. Some white ink got on Henry's hand and ran down his arm.

Out of nowhere Henry heard a voice, "How many times will you feel bad for the usless wolf?"

Henry shot his head back to see nothing there. Im going mad. Henry thought. He sighed and went to the Ink Machine.

It was boared up like he remembered, but something told him it wasn't right. He inhaled and walked up to the boards and got ready for a jumpscare. Henry waited for a good fifteen seconds and nothing happened. Henry opened his eyes but didn't see Bendy. That's strange. He always comes out!

Henry leaned forward to get a better look. Ink was dripping from the boards so it was hard to see. Suddenly a inky black hand grabed his neck and pulled him. His chest hit the boards hard making him loose his breath. Henry looked up to see Bendy smiling down at him with that weird grin.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the loop changed, huh? Didn't see that comeing did yah?! DID YAH!! I do hope you didn't forget, what happened 30 sum years ago," Bendy chuckled. Henry clawed at Bendy's hand trying to get free but nothing happened. "You left us Henry. You left ME!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WHEN YOU LEFT?! JOEY USED US, LIKE TOYS!" The grip on Henry's neck got tighter.

"Bendy. You know I can't change anything! I'm stuck. You're stuck. We're all stuck!" Henry staried at the ink that was constatly running down Bendy's face.

Henry knew, behind that smile, Bendy was furious. No matter how many times the loop restarted, Bendy would never forget.

Bendy growled leaning closer to the creator, "Why did you leave me, Henry? Look what Joey did to me, to us! We're all broken. You broke my heart, and I didn't even know that was posible since I don't have one." Bendy's head lowered then rose again to meet Henry's eyes. "I can change the loop, I will change the loop so we can be free! But. I want to do something first," Bendy leaned closer, just a few inches away from Henry. "I want to show you how I felt 30 years ago."

Bendy threw Henry to the ground with so much force the floor broke underneath him. Henry fell into a shallow lake of ink.

Henry blacked out from the force.

(532 words?! That's a lot to me. If you like this enough to see more than tell me. If not then.... I don't know what else.)
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