Chapter XVII

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Everyone looked behind to see Norman on the floor just laying there. "Norman!" Sammy called kneeling beside him. His light on his head flickered on and off. Bendy turned all the way around the face Alice chuckling on the floor ink spilling out of her.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Sammy yelled.

"Like any old projector, I turned him off." Alice said happily.

Bendy then charged at Alice and grabbed her by the wrist hanging her in the air, "Turn him back on!"

Alice giggled, "Or what?"

"I'll rip you limb from limb," He growled.

"Fine, fine. He's like a TV just turn the button to turn a TV back on. Simple."

Bendy dropped her onto the floor with a thud.  He grabbed the remote thing and pressed the button. Nothing. He growled at it then turned to Alice. Only floor boards stood in her place.

"Dammit." He mumbled.

Sammy shook Norman trying to get the projector to flicker even the smallest bit but the light just dimmed.

"We'll have to get a replacement... I think." Henry spoke up.

"Henry, if we take the projector off it's basically ripping a humans head off and expecting them to live."

Henry sighed, "We have to try, even if it didn't work he's still dead either way."

"Might as well try. Not like we have anything better to do." Bendy said walking over the them.

Sammy looked down as Bendy bent over and threw Norman over his shoulder. "C'mon let's go, chumps." They all walled over to the elevator and Sammy pressed level K.

The whole elevator was quiet. It was also kind of dark since Bendy's ink walls were flowing on the sides of the elevator. Henry sat on the floor, Sammy leaned on the wall next to Henry, and Bendy stood in the middle holding Norman. When the elevator stopped they all followed Sammy through various halls. After about an hour of walking, they reached Sammy's office.

"Why here?" Bendy asked setting Norman down on the chair in Lawrence's "secret" office.

"Well, Norman's recording booth has a few spare projectors so we can use one of those..." Sammy said walking out of the recording studio.

As Sammy walked up the stairs to the recording booth he shook out of fear and worry. Was Norman ok? Is he going to even wake up? What will happen if it dosen't work? All these questions piled up in his mind.

He crouched down to one of the drawers and poned some. He found only one projector. "Hmmm.." Sammy got up and ran down the stairs and through yhe hall to his original office. Sammy didn't have time to find missing keys so he kicked the closet door open. "Ah-hah!!" He yelled grabbing more projectors that were in the closet.

He ran as best he could useing both his arms to carry the projectors. He grabbed about five and remember, there big.

"Guys I got them!" Sammy yelled stepping into his office.

"Nice, but uh.. one problem..." Bendy held up a reel he probley got from inside Norman's head. Or lack of head, however you want to put it.

Sammy titled his head and walked over to Bendy and set the projectors on the desk.

"This is uhm... his reel." The object Bendy held was darker than normal reel Henry and Sammy have seen.

Sammy, not very well known to projection-related thangs, was more confused and worried.

"So a reel holds moments of a cartoon or record," Henry started. "In this case, Norman's memories and thoughts. But the thing is... it's well.."


Sammy looked at the reel with fear. "I geuss the 'chip- he had in his head did something to burn the reel."

"Can't we get a replacement?!" Sammy half yelled. Bendy shook his head. "So.. it's gone?" Henry sadly nodded.

Sammy leaned against his desk and slowly slid down the side and sat on the floor pressing his knees to his chest, his arms wrapped around his legs.

"He really is gone then."

(Hey my little peeps. Sorry I posted this WAY later than what I thought. Yeah I know, this one is shorter, beacuse I wanted to get something out for ya'll. 674 words.)

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