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She wandered aimlessly around Ravenhill, her Elven armor stained with the blood of the army from the north. Anne's breathing was heavy, and there was an arrow wound in her leg. Her cheek had a cut, her hair sticky.

Anne remembered vividly how everything happened, and the amount of bodies she counted dead from all the sides was more than enough. All because he couldn't change sooner.


That's what she was trying to do at the moment. She was trying to find him. Fili and Kili were alive, also looking around trying to find their uncle. Dwalin was also there, killing off the remaining Orcs.

Anne exited the torn up structure and started to walk on the ice, hissing with every step she took.

"Thorin!" she shouted, trying to find him. "Thorin!!"


It sounded... distant and far off. Anne kept walking, noticing a dead body on the ice. She frowned and limped towards it. She gasped when she saw Azog the Defiler on the ice, Orcrist right through his chest and sticking on the ice. Frowning, she pulled the sword out of the ice with a grunt, sheathing it. Anne sighed and looked over the cliff, grimacing when she saw fire and flags of both the Dwarves and the enemy.

"Anne, over here!!"


The little Hobbit was racing out from the structure on her left, looking panicked and skidding next to a body. Anne shook her head and started running best she could.

"No. No, no, no."

When Anne finally reached where Bilbo was, she crawled over and took the figures face in her hands.

"Hey, hey, hey. Thorin? Thorin, just look at me. That's it. Eyes on me. It's all about me."

Thorin was bloody. He had a huge gash over his right eye and blood splatters on his face as well as on his stomach. His breathing was labored, and his eyelids were heavy. He didn't have too much time left in the world. Anne started mumbling to herself and revealed his wound, paling greatly. Bilbo was close up barfing. Blood seeped out of the sword wound, and it was too deep for her to do anything. But she tried by ripping a portion of her shirt off and pressing it to his wound.

"You're going to be okay, all right? Just... just don't go. Stay with me, Thorin. You hear me? It's going to be okay."

Thorin coughed, blinking and looking at the Elf. "You're here..."

Anne chuckled weakly. "You really though I'd leave you?"

Thorin smiled softly. "Anne..."

"Shh, Thorin, you're going to be okay, all right? Just... just keep breathing." Anne quickly glanced at Bilbo. "Go get help. Go, now!"

Bilbo nodded and ran off, literally disappearing into thin air. Anne returned her attention to his nasty wound.

"You did it," she whispered. "You killed Azog."

Thorin swallowed and nodded his head. "I did it for you."

"Thorin, you did it for us," she corrected, taking his hand. "And now I'm going to save you."

"You saved me thirteen months ago," he said. "Not the times where you saved me from death, but from being alone. You were there for me when no one else was." Thorin hissed and gripped her hand.

Anne started to panic. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Kingy. Deep breaths, yeah? Stop talking, and just breathe. Keep your eyes open. Keep your—" Anne made him look at her, lightly tapping his face and trying to keep her voice from breaking. "Look at me. Hey, look at me. Me."

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