Chapter 1

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*Edited Version*


I was so excited I had a vision that we were playing a game of truth or dare and Renesmee and Jacob were playing this would be their first game. This was going to be fun. Oh dear I hope Edward did not hear that.


As I walked into the lounge I heard Alice's thoughts "Oh dear, I hope that Edward did not hear that!" "I heard it Alice and no way is my daughter playing that game!" "Yeah she is Edward; I have seen it and I have blackmail" My darling sister stated god I will have to go along with this sorry idea of a game. "Fine, Let me go get Bella and Renesmee and the mutt!" why did that mutt have to imprint with my daughter why I could kill him. "Edward you will not do that it would Nessie's heart" my darling sister cried as she saw a vision of me killing the mutt I smiled. "Fine!" and with that I ran out of the room to get the loves of my life and a mutt.


My darling wife walked into our room "Hello Jazziepoo!" her thought were so excited and happy god this was not going to be good!! "What is it my darling!" "Guess!" she replied before I had time to think she shouted "Truth or dare with Renesmee and Jacob!!" "WHAT!!" I and someone else from the next room shouted, Emmett and ran into the room with a grin on his face "Really??" he always asked since we played a trick on him last time we said we were playing while he was 'busy' with Rosalie he got downstairs so quick he was half naked when he got down the stairs poor Bella she was human at the time her face did turn a  very dark shade of red. "Jasper!!" I heard Edward shout he was back in the house. Come on Eddie it was funny though the looks on Bella's and Emmett face were hilarious I said in my head " Come on let's play" said Alice and she, Rosalie, Emmett and I ran downstairs " No Jasper it was not funny" said Edward sternly " And you know I don't like Eddie" " Is this a private conversation or can you tell us" Bella said " Ok who is first?" I asked trying to change the subject because if I told Bella what we were talking about she would hate me and as we were playing truth or dare I did not want that to happen "me" shouted Emmett let the fun begin I thought Edward smiled.



I went first after a lot of shouting "Me". Who shall I pick Edward if you read my mind I will make the dare for who ever 10 times worse! Edward flinched fearing for his dear Bella's and his neck. I was going to get him back from the recording time last week "Emmett that is out of order" shouted Alice knowing her she had seen part of the dare I was making. I was amazed she did not slap me like she did last time "Whatever Edward truth or dare no mind reading" "Fine dare?" I thought more about his dare while Edward was picking through my thoughts I said in my mind, I dare you to take Alice into the Walmart now and start making out with her in the middle of the floor! "No way" Alice and Edward shouted together. Alice now knew what the dare was and did not like it at all I smiled " What is going on" asked Jasper worried with the emotions in the room Edward's head went up "Emmett's dare is for Alice and I to go to the middle of Walmart and make out in the middle of the shop floor!" "WHAT!!!!" shouted Jasper, Renesmee, Bella and Jacob. Bella stood up went over to me and punched me square in the face, I went down to the floor in pain that was really painful even for a vampire and then Rosalie got involved " How dare you hit my husband!" she shouted oh I love her "How dare your husband thinks that a good dare is for my husband to make out with your so called brothers' wife in the middle of the busiest store on a Thursday night which if you were not aware is always the busiest!" Bella shouted in reply "it is" agreed Alice coming out her trance of suffering "All the late night shoppers I will be a laughing stock I will never be able to shop there again" Jasper tried to calm the situation although he was angry at me Rosalie calmed so did Edward and Alice but Bella then shouted " Jasper Hale do not dare try and calm me down" and that was when Carlisle and Esme got involved. I was in deep shit!!

Truth or dare after breaking DawnWhere stories live. Discover now