Can I really trust you ♥️

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Annie : talk , you have five minutes .  I'm counting to

Hayden's POV : I looked at Annie , I could see she was devastated

Hayden : I'm sorry , I slept with Bella

Annie : is that all ?

Hayden : no , I slept with her when I knew me and you were going to get back together after our fight

Annie : you fucked up again Hayden , how many times are we're going to have to go through this ?

Hayden : It won't happen again

Annie : we shouldn't be sitting here having this conversation in the first place

Annie's POV : I take a sip of my water

Hayden : I know that -

Annie : do you know how much of a fool you make me look like ?

Hayden : you don't look like a fool Anns

Annie : don't call me anns , I'm always the girl who looks like a fool . Bella shows up with her new baby who is meant to be your baby ?

Hayden : I -

Annie : NO I'm not done . My wedding she ruined it , she turns up everywhere . I don't think I can do it anymore

Hayden : we can do something-

Annie : are you hearing yourself right now ?

Hayden : what do you mean ?

Annie : Hayden your saying we'll fix this the last year

Hayden : but I promise this time we will

Annie : no we won't , you know we can't fix this . She's always gonna be there in the back round

Hayden : it won't always be like that and you know that

Annie's POV : I shake my head

Annie : how am I meant to know that , when on a daily I don't feel good enough.

Hayden : but Annie your the best thing that ever happened to me

Annie : if I'm the best thing that ever happened to you then , you wouldn't be fucking Bella

Hayden : Annie -

Annie : how many times ?

Hayden : Once it was only once

Annie : so I was gone for more then a week and y'all only did it once ?

Hayden's POV : I look at her in the eyes

Annie : I knew -

Hayden : yes we only did it once , I will never do it again you have to believe me

Annie : it's one thing if it happens once , but I can't do this anymore

Hayden : what are you saying ?

Annie : I can't be around all the drama anymore

Hayden : what are you saying ?

Annie's POV : I roll my eyes

Annie : what I'm saying is if all this continues I won't be going back to LA ... that's a promise

Hayden : you can't just -

Annie : what do you mean I can't just what Hayden ?

Hayden : get up and leave everything behind you

Annie : eh I can go to LA whenever I want to , I don't need to live there

Hayden : your work is there

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