Sister time ♥️

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Annie's POV : I woke up , it was 10 am . We slept over I was supposed to go get Hayley half hour ago . I grab my phone and I've got missed calls from my mom and Hayley .
Hayden's arms was wrapped around my Waist . He was still sound asleep . I call Hayley

Annie on the phone with Hayley:
Hayley : hey Ann's are you ready to go now ?
Annie : sorry Hayley , I'm only after waking up
Hayley : oh that's ok , I'll wait at the pool for you ok ?
Annie : give me a little while to get ready and we can go then ok ?
Hayley : yep can't wait , see you soon
End of call
Annie's POV : I put my phone on the locker . I wasn't sure weather to wake Hayden up or leave him asleep . I got out of his grip , I had a quick shower and got dressed .
Annie's outfit :

Annie's POV : I grabbed my bag , I put the camera in it

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Annie's POV : I grabbed my bag , I put the camera in it . I was about to leave when I heard crying.
Hayden's POV : I jump up and out of the bed
Annie's POV : I laugh
Annie : your daughter is crying , love you to bye
Hayden : wait Annie she's our daughter ( shouted ) 😂

Annie's POV : I get into the lift , there was no way in hell I was walking down all them stairs . I vlog a little
Vlogging :
Morning y'all , so I only woke up but I'm taking Hayley out for the day . We have had much time in fact we haven't had any time to do anything in about a year we've both been really busy . I'm super exited we're gonna spend the day together and it's gonna be such a fun day l she's been up hours waiting for me 😂 and as you can tell I stayed asleep through my alarms as always , that's noting new . Well Hayden is gonna vlog today , I haven't a clue what there doing for the day but I'll see them tonight. Hayley's waiting for me at the pool so I'll talk to y'all later .
Closes camera

Hayley's pov : I was sitting at the pool,with everyone waiting n Annie to come get me for the day . I final,t saw her walking up to where all us was sitting
Katie : well we'll well look who it it 😂 have a nice sleep 😂
Annie : in my defense ( thinks for a second )
Annie : yeah your right , I've got nothing to defend myself 😂
They all laugh
Hayley : can we go now I'm so exited
Annie : ye hay let's go
Indiana : have fun
Annie : we will
Tisha : where's the other to sleeping beauty's 😂
Annie : well last time I saw Hayden , he was getting out of bed cause sienna was crying 😂
Jimmy : so we're gonna see them soon then 😂
Annie : yep , talk to y'all later 😂

Annie and Hayley leave the resort
Annie : so are you hungry?
Hayley : yes
Annie : good because I missed breakfast and I'm starving 😂
Hayley : where are we gonna go for food ?
Annie :oh I heard of this beach bar that's on the beach and there serving some lunch at this time
Hayley : sounds good to me
Annie's POV : we got a cab to the beach hut .

They order food and sit down to chat
Annie : so I wanna hear all about this tour hay
Hayley : it was so cool , we went all over the place
Annie : did you , where was your favorite place then ?
Hayley : I loved London it was amazing
Annie : it looked like you had a great time
Hayley : it would of been better if you , could have came
Annie : I had to stay home with case
Hayley : I hate him , I'm Hayden are back together I really am
Annie : so am I , I'm glad I'm away from case now
Hayley : I think everyone is 😂
There food came , they started to eat
Annie : have you got anything coming up ?
Hayley : not really , I mean I've got my new show for brat
Annie : that's exiting, I can't wait to see it
Hayley : it was so fun to film , it was different from chicken girls
Annie : I'm sure it would be Hayley 😂
Hayley : I wanna go on tour again , so much
Annie : what kinda tour are you gonna do ?
Hayley : I'm not sure yet , I wanna get people to collaborate with on tour
Annie : oh yeah that sounds like a good idea
Hayley : yeah , if I was to go on your again , would you come ?
Annie : it depends where your going but I would definitely try Hay
Hayley : but what if we did a tour with everyone?
Annie : what kinda tour ?
Hayley : a tour about everything, like some of y'all could sing and about real life
Annie : it sounds like a good idea to me , have you talked to anyone else about it ?
Hayley : I only talked to mom
Annie : what did she say ?
Hayley : she thinks,it's a good idea
Annie :well when we get back home , we should talk to Management about it
Hayley : ye we should , it would be so fun

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