Devestated ♥️

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Authors note : hey y'all I just wanted to say I know the timing in this story . But Bella's baby is 2 months old not one month sorry to make it confusing 😂 but hope y'all are enjoying this story .

Annie's POV : I walked over to Starbucks . Tears was streaming down my face . I didn't know what to believe , did he really sleep with her ? Am I that bad that he couldn't stick me ? Why would she say that if it wasn't his son . I can't go to Texas I can't look at Hayden right now . My phone started to ring , it was Mads . I declined and ordered and extra string ice coffee . When I got my coffee , I pushed the stroller over to sit at a seat in the window , Hayden sat across from me . I took out my phone and started to look at the news on it , about Hayden of course

Hayden : are you going to look at me

Annie's POV : I look at sienna and see is she still sleeping , she was so I looked back at my phone

Hayden :your not seriously going to ignore me are you ?

Annie's POV : I look him dead in the eye

Hayden : you can't not talk to me , we're leaving the state in an hour and a half

Annie : who says I'm leaving California?

Hayden : don't start , your been -

Annie : I'm being what Hayden , I'm not being Bella is that it ?

Hayden's POV : I looked at her and she shook her head

Annie : why the hell did you do that ( crying )

Hayden : because I though you weren't going to come back

Annie : of course you didn't , if you had of been lucky you could of still been with Bella now , playing -

Annie's POV : I stand up and walk out side . I ring the airline

Annie on the phone with the airline

American air : hi , how may I help you ?
Annie : hi , I'm looking to changed my flight to a different location
American Air : Okay miss When is your original flight ?
Annie : It was meant to leave in an hour and a half
American air : where were you going ?
Annie : I was meant to fly into Dallas , Texas
American Air : okay , well I'll try change your flight depending on where you want to go
Annie : there was four tickets bought
American Air : So you want to changed four -
Annie : oh no just 3
American air : can I get the names please ?
Annie : yes it's Annie Summerall , Sienna summerall and Heidi Summerall
American air : What will I do with the other ticket miss
Annie : that one is still going to Dallas
American air : so where would you like me to transfer your tickets to ?
Annie : is there a flight to Maryland tonight ?
American air : yes , it leaves in 40 minutes
Annie : yes thank you so much that's perfect
American air : no problem , enjoy your flight

End of call

Annie's POV : I go back inside and get my bags from the ground .

Hayden : where are you going ?

Annie : anywhere away from you

Hayden : Annie please -

Annie : NO , this is your mistakes you fix it

Hayden's POV : she pushed siennas stroller to the door

Annie : will you check my bags in for me please ?

Security : yes miss

Siennas pov : I start to wake up

Sienna : mommy where are we going

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