I think i couid be .....♥️

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Mads POV : Annie closed the doors behind us . I sat on the bed and she sat down beside me .

Mads : Um Annie ... Is everything ok ?

Annie : Honestly I don't really know how to answer that right now

Mads : you know you can tell me anything right ?

Annie's POV : I nod my head . I pull 3 pregnancy tests out of my pocket and lay them on the bed

Annie : This is what I need to tell you

Mads : Are you preg-

Annie : I don't know , I went to the hospital I just thighs I was sick

Mads : So they think your pregnant

Annie's POV : I nod my head

Mads : well there's only one way to find out , take the test

Annie's POV : I go into the bathroom and I open the packet . I take the test and leave it on the sink for 3 minutes . It beeps and I pick it up and go out to Mads

Mads : So did you look ?

Annie's POV : I shake my head

Mads : do you want me to look ?

Annie : um would you mind ?

Mads : of course not don't be stupid , here let me see

Annie's POV : I had her the test

Mads : do you wanna film think just Incase y'all ever want it

Annie : oh ye thanks for reminding me

Annie's POV : I get the camera and turn it on

Annie vlogging

I'm back to square one all over again 😂 Y'all ain't gonna see this for a long long time but I'm just after taking a pregnancy test , I'm here with Mads she's gonna turn it over for me I'm to nervous 😂
Mads : hey y'all 😂
Mads POV : I turn over the test and smile at Annie
Annie : well ?
Mads : your pregnant anns , congratulations
Annie's POV : I smile into the camera and close it

End of vlogging

Annie : I don't think he wants another kid Mads , I mean he already has to girls

Mads : I'm sure that's not the case Annie he loves y'all a lot , just talk to him about it it's the only way your gonna find out

Annie's POV : I nod

Mads : we better go down stairs before he gets suspicious 😂

Annie : I guess your right about that 😂

Annie's POV : I put the test in the draw beside my bed , me and Mads went back down stairs to the kitchen

Hayden : Is everything ok ?

Annie : yeah why wouldn't it be 😂

Hayden : I dunno Princess ?

Annie's POV : I kiss him

Annie : when am I getting my child back 😂

Hayden : I'm not sure 😂

Annie : have you any idea of where she is ?

Hayden : nope I think they took the girls out

Annie's POV : I nod . I picked Heidi up from her basket . She was waking up from her nap

Mads : well we gotta go collect the kids

Caden : Braxton is In school and violet is at my mom and dads

The mistake I made 💗Where stories live. Discover now