Dont leave me please ♥️

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Hayden's POV : The event was over hours . Annie wasn't returning any of my calls or my texts . everyone else was trying to ring her to but ......Nothing . Everyone came back to our house to help us look for her . We didn't have a plan yet it was kinda hard when we have someone missing and all the kids to think about

Katie : Billy we should of known she was going to leave , I mean her face said it all and we decided not to follow her ( cry's )

Hayden : It's not your fault if anyone should have followed her it was me , but I was being to much of a jerk to realize I was making her upset .....again

Billy : Hayden we all make mistakes it can't be helped , we will fix this dont worry

Hayden's POV : but how could I not worry , I have no idea where she is . She could in trouble or even worse she could be hurt and it's all my fault .

Tisha : Hayden you need to cut of everything with Bella , look at all the trouble she has caused the past few weeks

Jimmy : if you don't I will and that is a promise

Hayden : don't worry about that I know , I'm well aware she's dead to me

They all nod

Carson : so what exactly are we going to do , I mean they won't let us claim her as a missing Pearson until she's gone 24hrs

Hayden : We need to go look for her , we all have cars

Jayden : well who's going and who's staying with the kids ?

Tisha : I think y'all should go look for her , me and jimmy with stay here and look after the kids

Billy : I'll stay here with y'all , so will Katie

Jimmy : we will wait here and see if she comes back

Riley : we have another problem

Indiana : what's wrong ?

Riley : we need to be careful with social media

Tori : she's right , they watch our every Move as if they see us when we're out with no Annie they will be suspicious

Matt : well we won't let that happen , we need to keep up with posting as vlogging as normal no one will know anything about this

Hayden : agreed , let's go

Hayden's POV : everyone got into there cars and pulled out of the drive way . I wanted to take my own car because I knew some one the places that she might have gone . I didn't know for sure if she was there but it was won't looking for her . I put the key in and started to drive

1 hour later

Hayden's POV : I have checked everywhere I could think of there was only one more place that I could think of . It was where I took her on our first real a date as we called it at the time . I was nearly there and well if there was no look here I don't know what I was going to do . I pulled up to the trees leading to the back of the Hollywood hills looking over Los Angles.  I got out of the car and started to walk through the trees . I could see what looked like a body lying on its side . I ran till I reached it .

Hayden : Annie what did you do ( cry's )

Hayden's POV : I fall to my knees and pull her up to my chest . I sit her on my lap she looked lifeless.

Hayden : Annie please m it's going to me ok . I'm so sorry .

Hayden's POV : I pulled the phone out from my pocket . I called Carson

Hayden on the phone to Carson

Carson : hey man we haven't -
Hayden : Carson you won't find her I-I did
Carson : Hayden is everything ok ?
Hayden : she's hurt ( cries )
Carson : ok slow down what do you mean she's hurt , how bad ?
Hayden : her a-rms she cut all -
Carson : Hayden it's ok , is she breathing ?
Hayden : yeah she's breathing but she's breathing slow
Carson : ok how far away is the hospital from where you are ?
Hayden : about 20 minutes
Carson : Jayden said is the blood stopped ?
Hayden : no she's still bleeding
Carson : you need to cover them we're on our way , where are y'all ?
Hayden : the back of the Hollywood hill
Carson : were five minutes away , will you be ok till we get there ?
Hayden : yeah , just please come quick
Carson : don't worry , just stay calm

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