The interview ♥️

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Annie's POV : I finally found someone I knew .
Mads : omg Annie
Annie : hey Mads
They hug
Mads : how are you none of us have seen you in so long
Annie : well we all know why that is
Mads : ......em everyone's been having kids we've all been busy 😂
Annie : yep that's it 😂
Annie's POV : me and Mads were really close friends , we had gotten closer over the years , Caden and Hayden have been best friends for years so me , Mads , Hayden and Caden would always be our doing stuff together. Then it all turned out bad when me and Hayden broke up . Mads got married to Caden just before , so Mads stayed with Caden and we drifted .
Mads : so where your little girl we all miss her so much
Annie : I gave her to Tisha so I'm not sure
Annie's POV : I look over my shoulder to see can I see her but there is still no sign of them
Mads : she probably just brought her to see Hayden
Annie's POV : Shit Hayden why did I not think of her bringing Sienna there in the first place
Annie : thanks Mads I never even thought of that
Mads : I'll talk soon I've gotta go calm the two mad children down that are eating all the Candy from the table 😂

Annie's POV : an announcement comes on
Ammoument : can all the chicken girls cast please report to the stage with thank you
Annie's POV : I'm guessing I'll be finding sienna after this Q&A that we all gotta do . There's 1000s of fans here . The whole point is that they can ask all of us questions and it can be any question they want and we have to answer them . I walk up to the side of the stage and everyone was standing there chatting away . I walked up behind them and they started calling out all of our names . And to my surprise my name was called first . All there eyes turned to me and I just looked at them and smiled . I'm not bothered to go with all the hugging and aw I've missed u . I just walk past them and at the stop of the stair case I saw sienna . I desperately did not wanna look up to the Pearson who was holding her cause I knew it was Hayden
Hayden's POV : Annie's name was called first . I was standing at the top of the stairs holding sienna . To my surprise she remembered me , she was so beautiful. She looked so much like Annie , she's just got my hair . When Annie's name was called I knew she was going to have to walk past me . I didn't know how to react . But she stopped at me and was just looking at sienna

Annie : there my little angle , I couldn't find you earlier I was getting worried
Mads : I told you she would be with Hayden Ann's 😂
Annie : yeah 😂
Sienna : da...da
Annie : yeah that's your daddy , and you missed him didn't you
Hayden : um here you can take her .... if you want
Annie : no that's fine ........ you can hold her if you want to she's happy where she is
Hayden's POV : I look at sienna who's looking at Annie smiling , Annie looks beautiful , and she honestly looks like she going to cry . She won't look at me , I don't blame her she seems really upset .
Hayden : are you sure you don't wanna hold her , she might want you to hold her
Annie : nope I'm good .... you can hold her for this if you want to I'm not forcing you but I've gotta go there waiting for me .
Annie's POV : I walk onto stage and everyone is shouting , next name that was called that had to sit beside me was Hayden . I have to admit I tensed up a lot . Everyone was shouting ' omg ' ' Hannie ' and everything else along the lines of that .
Hayden's POV : everyone was sat down now and questions was staring to be asked they went down in a line and eventually the mic 🎤 came to me .
Interviewer: now we have Hayden summerall
Hayden : hey
Interviewer: and who's this little munchkin on your lap again ?
Annie's POV : that's my child to so don't just ask him
Hayden : this is Sienna mine and ,..... Annie's kid
Interviewer: she so cute
Sienna : Hadksow
Everyone : 😂😂😂😂😂
Interviewer: so Hayden , we got lots and lots of questions to ask you
Hayden : ok I'm ready 😀
Interviewer: question number one is would you ever do a spin of of chicken girls when you are older ?
Hayden : um I would definitely think hard about it . Chicken girls was such an aming part in my life . I met amazing people , all the memories that was made . I wouldn't change any of it for the world . I would definitely like to make more , if beat was to agree to make more I'm sure everyone would be up for it ?
Cast : ye we would
Interviewer: great answer , next question is why do you not visit sienna ?
Annie's POV : my cheeks went bright red , he was just sitting there the while place went silent . Should I say something ...... but it's his question to answer not mine .
Hayden : well as you all know sienna is nearly 1 so she's getting big . Another thing is well em ( he just stops )
Annie's POV : I've gotta say something now
Annie : well what he's trying to say is we let y'all see what we want you to see , and we also let you know what y'all wanna know so in all fairness he could of saw her 6 days ago a weeks ago but it's up to us at a different time to explain everything
Everyone's POV : we all clap .
Hayden's POV : thank god she said something I didn't know what to say , I just went silent , I was afraid I was gonna say the wrong thing
Interviewer: very very good answer , last question Hayden , have you ever been in true love ?
Hayden : yes ... yes I have
Annie's POV : I can't help but think he's talking about me . Full of myself Isn't the right word because what we had was so so special. But I ruined it as usual .

Interviewer: now the last 3 questions that we have for you all is for Miss Juliana Grace Leblanc
Annie : thank you 😊
Interviewer: so Annie , what has it been like behind the camera for you , while your not filming.
Annie's POV : no one knows only Indiana about everything that has been happening everyone was looking at me waiting for me to answer . What am I going to say ...
Annie : well I ...I...I...

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Words counted : 1160 words counted in this chapter ♥️
Have a fantastic day everyone ♥️

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