Chapter 12: Enjoy lifes ups.

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I suppose sometimes things happen that we just can't explain but perhaps we shouldn't over think things that happen around us. When everything seems to be to be going wrong and then weirdly, life seems to be going right again don't question it. This was one of those rare moments in life where things were going right again and I realized that I shouldn't over think it. My life was full of ups and downs, so, instead of wondering when things were going to go wrong, I was going to make sure to enjoy every moment of the good time that was now. Be was going to be ok and things were good again. Or at least that's what we thought until Doc S so happily informed us that we were all going to have a scan that afternoon.

And that's when we all became bundles of nerves. You'd think that when a person has to do something they often have to do, they wouldn't be scared. I wish I wasn't scared. I suppose it's the same as a little kid going to the dentist. Not a good feeling during the wait and while sitting in the chair in a room that always smelled of coffee and disinfectant. Gross.

"We've all been through the treatment, I'm sure we'll be ok guys." Gavin was earnest in his optimism. Once again, he  proved why he was the big brother figure for all of us. "You're right Gav. And before we know it we can go home!" Just thinking about going home was making me super excited. I wonder how much has changed in the last eight months of me being away. Mom and the girls kept me updated with email and skype. Dad still couldn't grasp the idea of technology properly so he would call me every Friday night. Everyone back home seemed to have gotten over me leaving and on the one hand I was happy about that but then again for some stupid reason I was also starting to feel forgotten. I was being unreasonable and I knew it.

Trevors small voice brought me out of my morbid thoughts. "But Gavvy, if we all go home, we won't be a family anymore. I don't want to say goodbye." Trev gave us each a puppy dog face. Of course we would stay in touch with each other but Trevor didn't know how to use technology nor did have access to a phone or anything along those lines at his age. "No Trev, we'll visit each other and we'll send pictures and letters. We'll always be family." Be cuddled the little guy in her arms while we sat around in the waiting room sporting our sexy hospital gowns. They weren't scratchy or uncomfortable anymore.

"Ok, whose turn is it to go first? Be?" We always took turns and last time we had scans done, I went first. Before anyone could respond Rhonda, the new intern nurse who's been helping us walked in. "Right guys, Doc said after these scans he wants a meeting." A meeting was new. Usually the medical team would analyze the scans and then just give us the thumbs up or down and the treatment and research would continue.

"Gavin, if I can remember correctly, you're first." Rhonda was Gavin's age and had a boyfriend who worked as a dentist but yet Gavin loved to flirt with her and tease her. "Oh Rhonda, if you wanted to get me alone all you had to do was say so. Just tell me when I need to give Sean his notice." And with those last few words of wisdom from the great Gavin Kellerman, the three of us were left to wait with a smile on our faces, although Trevor really thought that Gavin and Rhonda were going to run away together.

"UNO." Trevor and I were sitting on the floor playing the card game, Uno and so far he had wooped me. How, I don't know. "Seriously, again? You're a horrible little monster. I haven't won once!" Trevor giggled uncontrollably when he saw my 14 cards and his one. The little booger was getting a kick out of killing me with a card game.

"Trevvy, come on hun. You're up." Rhonda had called Be about half an hour ago so I knew I would be last. We never let Trev go last because no one liked leaving an eight year old in a hospital waiting room. "But Rhonda, I was busy beating Manda." "I'm sorry sweety but it's time to go. I think Amanda needs a break from losing." With the she sent a smirk my way and led the little guy off.

You know how when you're in an extremely boring class and you get so lost in your thoughts that you actually forget what nonsense you're thinking about? It's called zoning out and that's is exactly what happened to me. It started with my mind wondering how they could make this place smell better while still being disinfected. Maybe someone should invent lavender smelling disinfectant. Maybe then the patients would feel better immediately. See what I mean? That's how it started. I blinked out of my fog of brainwork to see Rhonda holding a laugh. I just rolled my eyes good naturedly and we walked off together to the machines that have been determining my fate. OK, so that was perhaps just a tiny bit over dramatic but cest la vie, it's how I roll. Oh gosh Amanda, just calm down. Your nerves are making you weird, again. Once again, what would I do without my creepy pep talking voice that resides in my head.


Before we knew it, we were seated in Doc S' office waiting for his verdict. This must be what it felt like to be on X Factor just minus the celebrity judges, screaming crowd, competition and the talent

"Hey there kids. So, I can see you're all somewhat anxious but trust me, today there's only good news. Now try not freak out, but I'm going to put up your scans one by one. Amanda, you're up." And with that he put up a scan that looked mostly white with brain scaring. Just before I could have a panic attack, another scan was put up next to it. The white marks looked less and smaller. This was very confusing. Why would the doc put up someone elses scan next to mine? To make me feel worse about my difference. "Now Amanda, before you think anything, I want you to know that the scan on the left is the first scan you ever did here. The one on the right is the one from earlier today." He smiled and watched not only me but all of us for a reaction.

It took a few moments for the impact of doc Swans words to hit home but when it did, to say I was shocked with relief was an understatement. You know that pure giddy joy you feel when you learn your crush likes you back or you put your perfect prom dress on the night of the event? Well this joy was something along those lines only more unreal.

The process was repeated for each of us and we were all success cases. There was laughing and hugging and tears of joy.

"Alright you four, settle down. I'm very sorry to say this but tomorrow we say our goodbyes because you will have tomorrow to pack and head home. However you will be coming back in three months for an update."

It was one of those bitter sweet moments of life but one thing we all knew; everything was going to be ok. With that final thought, I'm so happy I chose to embrace the 'up' that I was going through.


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