Chp 1: My life as a half-dragon

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Your POV 

Human? Not fully, since I got a hard scale with white shiny tail and wings of a dragon.

Dragon? Not really, because I got an appearance and a figure as well as a heart of a human.

But… with this two different breed inside me, which do I belong to? Human? Dragon? Can’t I just choose both?

That will be impossible. If I go to the village, the human will welcomed me with fires and weapons. If I go to the place where the dragons live, some will chased me out from their territory. This shows that I belong to none of them.

If I remember when I was a child of 18 months old, I have an intelligence of the dragon so I remember everything. I remember clearly that my both parents were completely mortal. On the day I was born, my both parent loves me very much even though I am a half-dragon. On the other hand the people in the village don’t. That’s why my parents try to keep me safe and not let villages know about me; however the secret couldn’t keep forever.

As soon as they found out, they came and surrounded the house with fire sticks in their hands, and it was a terrible stormy nightfall. My parent managed to make their escape into the dark woods, carrying me tightly in their arms. Sadly, they both died at the fast flowing waterfall while protecting me.

I lost both of my parents but my life doesn’t end here. I realized that the water brought me and my parent to the Dragon’s Den (other place, not the place where Valka rest) and that’s when the Bewilderbeast, Alpha, brought me and raised me together with the other dragons. Under his command, all of the dragons were living together in peace and the dragons are treating me like one of their kind.

In the Dragon’s Den, I was under their care and Alpha is raising me like his own daughter. (Not sure if he ever have one) In other words, I have new parents again. Alpha trained me and protects me like my father, Stormcutter took care of me like a mother, and the other dragons were like my brother and sisters.

Years passed, or should I say… living, plus training with Alpha for 14 years and 6 years spending outside for an adventure myself. As I grow, my body grows too. My white scale on my tails and some parts of my body are harder and shiner, my wings grew ten times bigger; my white hair remained short since I hated it being long and my both eyes are glowing brightly in the dark. For the 6 years, I had been flying around the whole place and learning new things by myself (I am putting their time in our time but with no technologies since Vikings didn’t have one… yet.), I had been doing lots of flying tricks like tornado spin, air diving, water diving and straight right back up to the sky, hiding and playing in the clouds and lot more crazy things I can try to do just to make me feel free. 

Freedom… How I just love this word.

Getting a bit tired after all the flying; I think I should find a place to rest for a night. However with my white scale glowing easily in the dark I don’t want to get too much attention. Quickly looking for a place to land before sunset, I arrived at the land name Berk and from afar. I could see smoke rising in the air. Human being, living not far away from my distance and to avoid from getting notice, I slowly landed into the woods and from above, I found a glade, big enough for my relaxation and- oh~! There even have a lake for me to take a bath and enough fishes for a week. (Refer where Hiccup first meet with Toothless)

Love it! I love this place. Looks cozy and nice for a shelter. If there were no human living nearby, I would make this place as my new home. Blowing out a white flame in circle to make it comfortable on the ground, rested on top of it and began to have my rest until the next sunrise.

Hiccup’s POV 

I was flying with Toothless before going back to Berk when suddenly something flying above the clouds. But after a while, it was gone. Birds? Not that I remember seeing it like a size of a dragon. Dragon? Probably. Or is it just my imagination? I asked my buddy to fly into the clouds, trying to search for this flying species ,then again no luck. Sun is setting and I decided to go back and find that creature next time.

What was that kind of creature? Could it be a dragon? At this size it must be. But why Toothless didn’t sense it? I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Must think of something else.

Oh right… It had been 6 years almost since the day I met Toothless, the only Night Fury I know that exist in the land of Berk. I suddenly flashback to the place where I first met him. I sit up from my bed and called out my dragon friend which was lying in front of me comfortably. “Hey bud.” And he looked at me to my respond. “Wanna go the place where we first met?” 

He seems too understood, remembered the place, and nodded his head with excitement. I laughed when he did that like a child getting his new toys. “Okay, okay. We will go there first thing in the morning so don’t overslept”

And then in one blow at the candle, Toothless and I went to bed and fast asleep, couldn’t wait for tomorrow. Or am I the only one who couldn’t even sleep at all?

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