Chp 18: Helping behind their back

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Third P.O.V

Nin arrived back to Berk and most of the dragons had been controlled. She quietly hid where they couldn't find her and began to sing out loud.

Fou ki ra hyear presia reen
Please, listen to me.

Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf
I sincerely don't wish to steal your powers or lives.

Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis
Every single life is special for the existence of this world

en na cyurio re chyet
They shouldn't ever be ignored or disregarded,

Was touwaka gaya presia accrroad ieeya
I wish that this doesn't happen ever again, so please, bestow hope upon me,

Nn num gagis knawa na lequera walasye
I know that the humans aren't actually righteous life forms,

Was quel gagis presia accrroad ieeya whou wearequewie fogabe
Please, give me hope, for the sake of anyone that wishes to coexist with you.

All of the sudden from the ground formed out an opal light covering the whole village- no, it was the whole island of the Berk. Drago noticed the barrier and tried to break in but couldn't and that's where he noticed her singing. "It was my mistakes that I left you behind. You could have become this Alpha's bride and have his children. With your power, we could have an army of that." Drago said out his disgusting plan really made her boiled with anger.

Drago then commanded his dragon to order all the dragon to attack with the fireball. It had no effect to be exact, however, it was a battle of one versus ten thousand dragons plus one Alpha attacking her. A few minutes later, with her injuries, Nin's strength is getting weaker and weaker, her barrier began to wobble. The Alpha decided to take another one huge body slam and managed to scatter the barrier and broke her song, causing her internal injuries.

Just as Drago was about to order the dragons to capture Nin, Hiccup and the rest finally arrived to distract him and Nin get the chance to run away. Watching from afar, watching how Hiccup got back Toothless, watching them trying to fight back with the Alpha until both of them got trapped inside the ice. 

From there, Nin decided to help them one last time. Finding the highest place and hide behind from their view and start singing out loud.

xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/.
She sings her heart out

xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/.
It covers the people

xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/.
They grieve and tremble within the perpetual darkness

xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
Her Song continues

xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/.
It reflects this world

xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.
Bring dread to those who give birth to terror!

xN herr v.t. ess dazua/.
She lives within the darkness

The powerful song reached to everyone in the villages and Astrid immediately knew Nin's location and decided to keep quiet about it. The song began reached to Toothless and made him even more powerful and managed to come out from the ice. His whole-body start glowing blue and start challenging the Alpha. 

While Toothless was fighting with the Alpha, Hiccup noticed Nin was nearby singing as he realized that she had been protecting the village and even saved both of them from danger. As much as he wants to look for her, he needs to protect the village first and while Nin was still kept on singing, he knew he needs to stay with Toothless and continue the fight.

 Slowly, all of the dragons began to regain their control and flew to Toothless side and protect the village. "No! Fight back! Fight back!" Dargo shouted at his dragons.

"Now do you get it? This is what it is to earn a dragon's loyalty." Hiccup explained. "Let us end this."


xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/.
She sings her heart and darkness out

xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/.
It covers the people into darkness

xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua, vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.
It becomes the grieving and terrorific darkness. This is a fabricated world of terror

xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/.
Her Song leads to destruction

xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/.
It reflects unsightliness and malice

xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.
Bring dread to those who give birth to terror!

xA harr jOzOtO ouwua giz hymmnos/.
She continues singing the Song of many terrors

The fight went on with the help of the other dragons' attack until Toothless made his one last powerful blast and broke the Alpha's horn, the Alpha was defeated and quickly went back to the ocean. As for Drago, he too disappeared as if he wasn't there before. Nin watched the defeated Alpha swam away, watching the villagers cheer for their victory, watching all of the dragons bowed to Toothless as he became the new Alpha and watching Hiccup kissed Astrid, Nin felt like... this is how it should be without her. This is how the story should go without her.


Yes!!! Hiccup arrived just in time and save Berk. Nin watched him in the shadow and decided to leave his world. Question for the day... Will Nin hide far or near to Berk?

Leave me your answer below and see how the next story goes.

Thank you for reading my story... Really thank you for the readers who had been patiently waiting for me after all these years that I had been cliffhanging and more. Really appreciate that. I'm glad you like my story and feel free to leave me comments here. Good or bad it's fine.

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