Chp 11: Christmas partner

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Yes!!! I'm back for more!!! This part might be a bit underage but I'll try not to make it too much. Anyway, enjoy.

Nin's P.O.V

Months had passed I had been staying at the human's village, I am getting used to the humans here. I could see all the dragons were helping with the human's work with no force, dragons playing with the humans' children, fishing, farming and so on. For these months I had observed, there was no danger the dragons were. With that I am relieved.

The village here is snowing right now. And all the dragons were helping the humans to carry some colourful lights and colour glass balls, placing and putting everywhere and anywhere. Everyone began to cook delicious food in their own home while their children were singing and playing with the white cold fluffy thing called 'snow'. Everybody was busy with this one particular event called ' Christmas' Not really know much about it, but as long I get to have free food, I'm perfectly fine with it.

Living with Hiccup and Toothless and the chief under one roof, I realised that Toothless had been clinging with me, during meal time, flying and even when I wanted to take a nap. Sometimes, he even making the weird dance in front of me just to impress me. There was one time that some of the male dragons wanted to come near me, I could see Toothless gave them the look like 'You better don't go near her or else.'

Very obvious, I knew he liked me and my feelings for him growing deeply too, but I could see him quite popular with the other female dragons too, so I'm not sure if I actually have the chance or even worse... with this non-dragon appearance like me, will he actually accept me to be his mate? All these thoughts, I already give up chasing him. However, as long I can be with him, everything it's fine.

"It is time." Hiccup suddenly said as he quickly ran out from his workshop while carrying some big weird looking bag. His word confused me, what did he mean it's time? I followed him out and saw him ordering some of his friends to call out all of the dragons in the town. Surprisingly, all of the dragons obey and form in one line in front of Hiccup and one by one, Hiccup helped and put on one big leather bag on each and every dragon. Why did he need to do that? And why every dragon need to wear that?

"Ok, this is the last one." Hiccup tighten the belt of the bag and gave the dragon one last pat. One by one, all of the dragons began to take off and flew away. All of the humans waved goodbye to their own dragons before they all continue to do their own work. Why are they flying away? Where are they all going?

I didn't follow them, just watching all of them flying away, "Looks like they're gonna be more babies dragons this year." Hiccup joined the watch. I looked at him, "Babies?"

"Oh, you don't know? Every year all the dragons need to migrate once to one island to laid and hatch their eggs, if they hatch them here, the eggs will explode like a cannonball. But they will come back, so don't worry." Hiccup explained.

"The bag?"

"The baby dragons couldn't fly for long, so I gave them a bag to keep their babies inside, easy for them to bring them back here."

I looked at the sky again, watching the last dragon disappeared from my eyes. I then suddenly remembered, "Toothless... where? He goes too?"

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