Chp 12: Prepare for the worst

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Third P.O.V

The next day right after all the heat event, this went back to normal and new news added up. The ladies realized the huge teeth mark behind Nin's body immediately knew that Nin and Toothless had mated and congratulated her for her first. Their realization made Toothless feeling proud while Nin felt a bit embarrassed yet, happy.

Hiccup, who pretend to realise together with the rest of the people, also congratulated Toothless and Nin. Giving them his best smile, but in his heart, sharp pain in his heart hurt him so as he watched his partner had taken away his chances.

Nin, who expecting Hiccup saying something, but when Hiccup congratulated them, Nin somehow felt disappointed to hear this word from him. Why? She should be happy. But somehow, why she had an unpleasant feeling like... disappointed.

Astrid who noticed Nin's expression decided to have a chat with her. Nin and Astrid had become like their soulmate friends in these short few months. From enemy to sisters, their relationships were unbreakable. Wherever  Nin had problems (Girl Problem) or need to look after, Astrid will come after Hiccup and Toothless. Nin was comfortable to tell everything to her, it was like she had just gained an older sister, which she realised not long before Christmas, a few months older to be exact. 

Holding hand-in-hand, Astrid took her to her room, gave her a seat and worried, "I noticed that you need someone to talk with. What's with that face?" slowly her worried face became serious, "Is it about Hiccup?"

Nin didn't reply and nodded slowly before she continued, "Have you ever... have the feeling that your expectation is not what you expected?"

"Er... what?" Astrid confused.

"Hiccup congratulate me. But why... why am I not happy?" Nin then placed her hand near to her chest. "I feel funny here."

Astrid gets the hint, thinking in silent before answering to Nin. She knew one day this will come and she did not want to be like most of the bitches, screaming their lungs out when they found out that their boyfriend was cheated on them. At least right now, Hiccup didn't make any move on Nin yet. Astrid knew Nin was a smart half-dragon, but to this kind of situation, she had zero I.Q for that like the rest of the other dragons. "Hiccup is my boyfriend. And I know that he likes you for a very long time already. If he wants you, he'll break up with me first."

"Hiccup... likes me? But... I'm a dragon." 

"So? You're also a human." Astrid corrected. "Ok, let me ask you some question. Who do you meet first?"

"Toothless." Nin answered.

"Who made you laugh first?"


"Who held your hand first?"


"Who do you hug first?"


"Who do you k-kiss first?"

"Does lick counted?"

"Who helps you when you're in trouble?"

"Astrid." Nin brightened up while wagging her tails. Astrid finds her answer cute and giggled and blush with embarrassment.

"Ahem! How about spending time the most?"

"Er... Astrid?"

"When you're in trouble, who do you look for?"


"Serious question. Who do you love?"

"Astrid!" Nin happily said out loud.

"Ok, this is already out of this competition." Astrid immediately stopped as she clearly knew she had already overtaken the competition. "How come I end up in this situation?"

"Astrid," Nin called made Astrid looked at her. "I... never have one human family. To me... you are like my older sister." Those words from Nin touched Astrid's heart. "So... if one day I do any trouble to the villages."

"Throw me off from the cliff."


What- did-Nin-just-said?! Why? What trouble that was so serious that she needs to tell Astrid to throw her off from the cliff? Why Nin need to make this decision? Does she have the skill to see the future? (No, she don't. So don't take it seriously. XP)

The story ending is halfway through. I was thinking to add in Light Fury in. But I haven't watched the movie yet so I'm not sure if is ok to add in or not. Not all the way, but some part of it. 

I even thought, what if Toothless have two mates or HIccup have two wives?

Sounds weird? What do you think?

Comment me and let me know your likes and dislikes.

Thank you for reading my story. Really appreciate that. *bow*

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