Chp 3: Human like me

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Finally~!!! I had make the next chapter... tell you the truth... once my story had been deleted, i was totally lazy to make another new one... but i want my story to be write and save so much that I my motive again... and I'm so happy that some poeple is willing to read my crappy story... XD

Anyway enjoy this new chapter... XD


Your P.O.V  

Surprising... very surprising!!! I just couldn't believe it! There is a male dragon, a same species like me. Although he's a bit bigger and the colours are different but I'm 100% sure that we are one of the kind, don't know why.

He looked at me with excitement in his eyes, we both sniffed at each other to confirm the scent. Yes, it was the same scent. I'm not the only one left! Wao! Another night fury just like me, although you look a bit different. I thought I'm the only one left in this world. He said. Me too, I thought I'm the only one living. I said with excitement. 

For some reason, we both just couldn't look away from each other. Looking closely from head to tail and wao~! He is so damn HOT! He looked like one year older than me and just look at his scale, it so shiny black. Such an amazing dragon, I left like I'm in love with him.
"There you are Toothless..."

Ah~ I see... so his name is Toothless... Such a cute- wait... another voice? Human?! Is here?! Oh no! I need to hide! Trying to get away but I was still pinned down by him tightly. I know it's a shame to break this mood but can you please let me hide first? Human is coming. I begged. Oh him? He's my friend, you don't have to be afraid of him. You will like him when you see him. He said cheerfully.

Want me meet this human and like him?! I rather die! All I could think now is to hide before the human sees me with fear, take out a weapon, and attack me. The human is coming closer and I was still pinning down, not letting me go, I roared at him to give him my warning and then use my tail to give him a hard push, which caused a huge splash on the water. Sorry... but this is for my own good.

As he let go off me, I quickly hid behind the rocks with my both wings as armor, covering my whole body. Why there is a human in this place? Did they found me? And why is he not hiding from the human?

Take a small peek to see if there was anyone there and all of the sudden, Toothless, if I remember that human had just called him, suddenly popped out from nowhere, looking at me happily. Hey, why are you hiding here? Come and play with me. He said cheerfully while wagging his tail like a dog. There is a human, aren't you going to hide?

You are not the only one HTTYD (HiccupXHalf-DragonReaderXToothless)Where stories live. Discover now