Chapter 3

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Stacys POV

So I have been thinking lately. I like Austin. This really annoys me. I might want to find out if he feels thesame. Should I? Well here he comes, I'm going for it.

I jumped into the closet my "plan" took place in. Again I pulled him in and started kissing him. He seemed more relaxed this time. His tongue touched my lip ever so slightly asking, no, begging for entrance. I made him suffer at first but then my "lady parts" took control of my brain and my tongue burst into his mouth. He grabbed my ass but not hard,  just perfect. I know I sound like a bimbo but I'm not sorry. So once again we ended up on the floor this time I wasn't going to stop in the middle. My hand trailed down his abs and then his vpack. Soon they got to his jeans and slowly went over his jeans onto his crotch. I felt him smile behind my lips and he started kissing my neck. As soon as I started unbuttoning his jeans and I felt him start unstrapping my bra, the bell rang. "Shit!!" we both said together. We quickly got changed, gave each other a quick kiss, and ran out.

I got a feeling inside my stomach that I should go back. Like he was going to too. I ran back and entered the room to find him laying there with the same amount of clothes on before that horrible bell rang... " I only have English... I'm speaking it now aren't I?" I giggled, and he laughed, pulling my leg close to him and down.. I pulled off my top like it was before and then I threw my leg over him and sat down on top of him straddling him. I looked into his eyes and smiled. Then I bent down and kissed him. Next thing I knew the next bell rung and I was only in a bra and thong and he was only in his boxers... Now it was the end of the day so we didn't rush to stop.... No, we didn't do IT but I might want to make this a regular thing we do.

"Need a ride home sexy??" I heard him say.

"I think Nikki is taking me, but I haven't seen her all day."  

"Ditch it... Don't you want a ride on a motorcycle?"  

"ok! Come on, let's go. "

"Not so fast speed racer." He pulled me into a big kiss, putting his hand back on the floor to keep himself from falling. He was sitting but was still pretty tall. I was standing bending over just a little, his fingers rapped thro my belt loops... This is great

Nikki's POV

Holy crap I'm late. She will make me sit in the hallway the whole time. I might as well go home. Stacy will find a ride. God I can't wait for my party. It gives me an excuse to see Derek without a shirt. I might make a move. He defiantly wont because he's such a sweetheart. I was so busy thinking bout Derek I almost hit a pedestrian. Wait that's Derek... He skateboards??? Hott!

"Heyy cutie! Haha want a ride?" He looked down the whole time he talked "Oh heyyy Nikki!" he said

bouncing up and down like a lil kid. "Ya, sure thanks" He hopped in and for once his shirt wasn't tucked in. He looked normal. I liked it. We talked the whole way home and I forgot to ask where he lived. I was on my street already, headed for my house. All of a sudden he said "This is it." And pointed to a huge awesome house, barely 4 houses down from mine!

"No way I live right there, how have I not seen u? And wait, I'm left school early, why were u leaving


"Whoa, too many questions... Uhh we just moved and ummmmn I wasn't... ummm felling well"

Just then I noticed the whole ride he was holding his side, I wasn't really paying attention there, just his eyes.... And lips.... but then again he did have some bruising on his cheek and chin.

"Someone beat u up!!! Who was it?!?!"

"Oh ummm I ummm"

"Tell me!!!"


"I'll kill him"

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