Chapter 10

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Nikki's POV:

I sat there in my king-size bed staring at the 42-inch tv mounted to my ceiling (its so much easier than leaning up to watch tv... haha im lazy, but it also moves farther away from the bed and tilts so i cud lean up if i wanted to). i was watching an old episode of Cribz that featured my dad showing off my very own house... right now they were showing my room but baby style since this was aired 16 years ago... and just then i come crawling in followed by my mother. i smiled, i was so ADORABLE! i was then introduced and the automatic AWWWWW was added in by the TV people as i motioned for my dad to pick me up... im a daddy's girl.

as i was sitting recalling my childhood i noticed how happy my parents were. and now it is still like that. it seems like everyday is the first day they met. THAT, that is thhe relationship i want, nd the crazzy part is i think i might get it with Derrek 

speaking of the devil, i just got a txt from him.

heyyyy... Nikki

i no u want to call be babe or hunny or cupcake or some other cheesy nickname... go ahead i dont mind

hahah no i just didnt no how this was gonna go...

what do u mean

i mean like, were does last weekend leave us?

it leaves us at in a relationship, so go ahead and change ur fb status... haha

o well thats good to no cuz i wasnt sure...

well u can be now, nd were were u at lunch...

well i didnt no if it was cool to sit with u, u no, cuz ur a cheerleader and im, well, me

awwww no! derrek, dont feel like that, rlly! plz just come sit with me, all of my friends like u...

all of them? u r friends with like the whole school and i no that not everyone in the whole skool likes me

well i mean the ones i acually hang with.. but u missed a pretty interesting convo at lunch...

i just then remember that lunch period... AKWARD! Luca brought this new chick from Italy who was like top model pretty and it seemed like they liked each other... the girl seemd nice too. it was rlly bad for me because it was Stacy and Matt (couple) Luca and Stephanie (almost couple) and little loner me.. :( throuhout the connvo everyone was having all i cud think about was Derrek... nd then to interrupt my lovely dream came THE nightmare... Austin came strollng up and sat down next to me like the whole weekend never happened... 

"why hello there fellow highschoolers..."

"what the hell are u doing here!?" matt said all protectivly, noing neither Stacy nor I like this dude

"hi to u 2 Matt... and i am just eating lunch with my best friends!" he said like a little girl all excited

i looked over at Stacy and she had a pissed/guilty/depressed look on her face staring at her salad.

"look Austin, WE (i motioned everyone at the table) are not your friends... so y dont u take ur dickhead jock ass and take it to ur wannabe groupy table." 

"U TELL HIM NIKKI!" luca yelled giving me a high five

"i just wanted to introduce myself to the gorgeous new chick..." as he said it he smirked in Stacy's direction and i assumed he was trying to make her jealous... she told me about EVERYTHING after we got back from out little adventures after the party ws over (she walked to my house).

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