Chapter 2

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Austin's POV 

So I was just walking calmly to my locker when I was pulled into a closet... I was afraid it was going to be some big steroid looking dude wanting to fight, but it was just Stacy... DAMN!!!! She looked good... Wait I love Nikki, even if she doesn't know, she loves me too, remember that Austin... Nikki Nikki Nikki.... Next thing I know, she is making out with me... Now, don't blame me but I haven't had any action in a while, so I kissed back. Next thing I know, she is taking off my shirt and then the kissing stops. I look at her face to see a confused expression... Right now all I want is to bang her. I pull her back in and one thing leads to another we are on the floor and I am taking off her shirt..

We continued for about 2 minutes and when I was trying to go to home base she gets up, puts on her shirt, and says some confusing line as she walks out... I just lay back still trying to figure out what just happened... Wait, what does this mean?? I don't want her to be my gf but I think with what she said as she left, she was trying to get even... Stupid way to do it, but if it means I get laid then I'm ok with that!!

Nikki's POV.

So I went to do my "popularity quiz," or whatever Stacy thinks I'm doing. Really I am going to see Derek. He is a math nerd, but what can I say... I'm a sucker for math. Not really but I am for him. Now you probably think "Oh a nerd. Ewwww, overalls, pocket protectors, and glasses," but no! Other than the way he sometimes dresses, he is a total hotty. Big green eyes, nicely cut brown hair, and an awesome six pack followed by the sexiest v pack alive... If that's what happens from math, everyone should do that. I  think he used to play water polo... Oh god, I just thought of him in a Speedo.

So yes I must confess, I am in love with a nerd... We talk everyday on free periods. We meet outside the old gym, in front of the school garden. No one ever goes there so we are usually alone. Before you ask, no we don't make out. We usually just talk, about life, school, drama... everything. I tell him stuff I can't tell Stacy... I really enjoy talking to him.

So I am having a pool party at my house this weekend. My parents are away and no I am not those disobeying kids. My parents wanted me too. Ya, so back to Derek. We were talking and suddenly an invitation blurted out of my mouth , "I would seriously love it if u came!"

"Hahah I would seriously love to come!" he said laughing.

Oh god, I sound like a blonde bimbo. *RINNNGGGG* Oh shit, the bell. I'm late. Stacy is waiting for me.

"I have to go!"

"Wait you forgot something" he said as I was running off.

"What?" I said as I said sprinted back.

Just then he leaned in and kissed me on the check.

"EEEKK!!" Wait, did I just say that out loud?

"Now go," he said smiling. And I did the light run, look back, run away thing those girls in movies do... OMG!!!!

Stacy's POV

WHERE IS NIKKI?!?!? She missed our between-period walk'n'talk. That's when she fills me in on the gossip from her popularity quiz.. Third period is going to start soon. Uh-oh, Mrs.Naggson will be mad! Probably go on her swear fits. I have to go without Nikki, not risking going to detention with Austin. Who  practically lives in detention. As I am trying to run in my 3 inch heels, Austin comes out of nowhere, pushes me against a locker, kisses me oh so softly, and backs away saying, "sorry babe, had to do that before class," in his smug voice. I stand there taken back by what just happened.

After like 5 seconds I remembered I had class and sprinted away... *steps through door* BRRRBBBRRIIINNNG! I just made it. I looked around but Nikki wasn't here... Class begins. I totally missed the first assignment we were doing. I was thinking about that kiss I needed it to happen again. I wonder if we are boyfriend/girlfriend now? God I hope not. I just want to make out, patrol for cute guys, and make out. I'm like a dude but hotter and I have boobs.

Austin's POV

I keep messing with her head. But I think I am messing with mine too. I gave her the best kiss of her life, and even I felt sparks. No I don't like her like that. Or think I do. I will make out with her occasionally but. Maybe we do a little more but. Oh god, I keep talking myself into liking her. I am mean to be with Nikki. Or at least that's what all the stories say. The quarterback is supposed to be with the head cheerleader, not the second best. Oh well I'll see where things go. I mainly like her cause she's like a dude... She only cares about sex not "relationships".

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