Ch.7: But Not A Never

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(If The World Was Ending by: JP Saxe, Julia Michaels)

It was under the bed...

"So where is it?" Nogla asked

I went to the bed carefully and growled.

"Show yourself." I growled in my fox form

Two fox tails were shown and I started to panic. There were two of my kind here. I got scared and my tail tucked itself between my legs as my ears went down in fear. I crouched down and backed away.

"Y/N Whats wrong?" Marcel asked

The two foxes showed themselves and looked at me curious. One had green on the top of his head and the other had red.

"We're not a danger, but....we didn't know you were here...." the red one said

I turned to human and hid behind nogla and marcel.

'What did they mean by that? Are they here to get me? Are they looking for me?'

They got out from under the bed and changed to human. Their ears and tails were gone. They had their fox powers removed.

"Hey its okay! We were banished too!" The green haired on said, sounded Irish?

"Yeah we're not a threat." The red one said

It was silent and I got out from behind nogla and marcel. The two foxes looked at me amazed and shocked.

"I can't believe your actually here." The red one said

"Queen Felorxie said you died from the harsh winter!" The green one said

I looked at them with a 'Really? Remember What We Are' face. They were confused on why I wasn't talking and marcel an Nogla picked up on it.

"She can't talk, her punishment when she was banished was talking her voice away." Marcel said

"Oh are you two also-"

"No we're human, but I saved her from freezing to death and she's taught us about her species and where she came from. We learned about her and she learned about us. Now we're friends and take care of each other." Nogla explained

"Human!!" The red one freaked

They got on guard and I went to them and shook my head. I turned to a fox and so did they.

"Humans aren't what they told us they were! A lot of them are really nice and caring! They saved me and protected my secret for four years! They're safe." I said

They looked at each other and nodded. They looked at me and I felt like things were gonna take a whole new turn. And not in a good way.

"Okay but Queen Felorxie lied to everyone about you. She sent out the royal capital to look for you but found a frozen dead version of you." The green one said

"But after we didn't believe her we found out about something that would've changed the whole system of our world. It would've made it better and when we tried to confirm it she banished us for terrorism against fox royalty and system. We got our fox powers taken and can only transform into a fox." The red one explained

A hidden secret about the system and royalty?

"Wait really?" I asked

They nodded and I sat down.

"What did you find out?" I asked

They were suspicious and I can see why.

"Never mind I forgot foxes didn't trust other foxes." I said," I've been human for so long I didn't remember my own peoples ways."

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