Ch.4: Lets Travel Down The Road

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(Stutter by: Marianas Trench) (Photo is not mine, but thats how you looked like as a baby fox.)

Nogla POV

Marcel came with me to her room and then closed the door.

"Is it her tail or ears?" Marcel asked

"Her tail, I can't get the little cloth thing off and your the one who usually does it." I said

He nodded and went to her. She had shorts underneath the dress so it was more comfortable for us to do this. He untied the cloths as her dress was lifted and only showed her stomach. Her tail was set free and moved down, fixing its self in its place.

Her ears flickered a little and she moved to be more comfortable as marcel fixed her dress. I chuckled and he sighed.

"Hey nogla?" Marcel asked

"Yeah?" I asked

"Did you ever think something like this would've ever happened to us? Even if she didn't appear what would've happened?" He asked

I thought about it but couldn't find an answer.

"I don't know really but we're pretty lucky! Hell we're taking care and are friends with an ancient species of evolved foxes! Who else in the world has that chance?" I said

He chuckled and scratched her behind her ear. Her tail wagged a little as a sign that she was sleeping alright.

"Yeah your right, plus she's pretty cute and she told us her species weren't supposed to be nice so we're double lucky." He teased

"Yeah.....but I do think about one thing..." I said

He looked at me and I frowned a little.

"Why was she banished? She didn't even know herself why and her punishment was to leave her home and have her voice taken." I said," and we've been friends with her for four years. She has never done anything bad."

He hummed and wondered too. She's always listened to us and never lied to us unless it was for hiding her real identity. The baddest thing she's ever done was eat my favorite cake.

Which is really an innocent crime.

"Do you think her people hated that she was nice and different? I mean think about it, she was naturally nice and scared when we had her here for the first week and she never tried to hurt us, not even use her abilities." Marcel said," they probably hated the fact she was different."

We looked at her and I frowned.

"Well then her people are fucked up!" I complained

"C'mon lets let her sleep and go check if the guys left." Marcel chuckled

"Alright." I replied

We left and closed her door. We went downstairs and the guys were still here.

"What was up with her cast?" Ohm asked

"She couldn't sleep right or in the usual way she would sleep so we tried to make it more comfortable for her." Marcel said

They understood and then everyone yawned.

"Alright everyone go and get some rest! Tomorrows Friday and then it's Saturday!" I said

They cheered then they shut themselves up and cheered quietly. They all left and we said our goodbyes. Once they were gone and we closed the door, we cleaned up and got Y/Ns gifts. We put her gifts in her room and then left.

I then sat on the couch and sighed.

"Damn she went to bed early! She's gonna miss watching Rick And Morty!" Marcel said

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