You lose a bet?

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Aimes Pov.
Today was it. Our game against Iceland. I hadn’t seen my dad for a couple of days, but I was done letting it bother me. We’re here to play hockey, so that’s what I’m gonna do. I was helping Ken tie up his skates when my dad walked in. At least, I think that’s my dad. He was in a sleek suit and tie, and his hair was slicked back with so much grease you could tune a car.

“Alright are we ready for warm ups?” my dad exclaimed.

We all started bugging him about his look as he walked through the changeroom.

“Hey nice jacket, did you get two pairs of pants with that?” Averman joked

“Nice hair dad” I smirked, “You lose a bet?” all the guys started laughing.

My dad didn’t say anything in response. I just rolled my eyes, Adam wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulder as we walked out onto the ice.

“Live from Los Angeles welcome to the Junior Goodwill games” Averman started announcing “Tonight's matchup, team USA faces off against team Iceland. We have with us Greg Goldberg, goaltender for team USA. Greg, what’s it gonna take to beat these feisty Icelanders tonight?” Averman held his hockey stick in front of Goldbergs face.

I stopped paying attention and practiced my puck control 1 v 1ing Adam. We passed the puck around until Charlie took it from us.

“Nice one bro” I smiled nudging Charlie with my shoulder. 

We heard a whistle, and the game was about to start. I took face off. Wow these guys are huge! Why can’t I freaking grow! The icelander in front of me then said something in… Icelandish? I don’t know.

“What exactly does that mean?” I raise an eyebrow

“You’ll find out,” he smirked.

The puck was dropped and the guy instantly slammed into me, but we both got knocked down by… Portman. The whistle blew. He was taken out of the game. Great start guys! Great!

The icelanders took the puck down the ice. They seem to like this move where one guy would almost shoot, but stop and pass it to the other guy on the side of the net, who would get it in. Goldberg yelled something about defence. Yeah, we weren’t really good at defence if I’m totally honest. 

We were playing fine, but the Icelanders were knocking us down like bowling pins. I got slammed into the boards, and then flipped over almost three seconds later. It took me a second to get up, but I was alright.


Or maybe not. I felt a throbbing pain in my head. I didn’t seem to be bleeding though. I kept skating, Dwayne was hogging the puck showing off. Fulton was completely open.

“Dwayne pass it to Fulton!” I yelled at him.

Not a second later he was smashed in between two guys. I groaned and continued to skate. Dad was yelling at us left and right. It’s like he was turning into Wolf almost. Adam had the puck and took it down a ways but got flipped, Luis took it from him and skated down the ice, but evidently crashed into the boards. I groaned, we were being squashed, literally. 

“Aimes!” my dad called me off.

I skated by Ken and jumped over the boards but that just made my head hurt more.

“Aimes are you okay?” Connie asked

“Fine Connie. Thanks though” I gave her a weak smile.

Kenny came back to us groaning. He’d been smashed in between the defence.

During half time dad was getting really annoyed.

“Where’s our concentration? You guys are out there, running around like chickens with your heads cut off!” my dad exclaimed

“We’re doing our best dad” I sighed

“Well your best isn’t good enough anymore. Blow this game and we are one loss away from elimination. You guys might wanna go home early but I sure as heck don’t” Dad finished

We sighed and got ready for the next period.

“My that was inspiring” Averman sighed with sarcasm.

By the third period we were down 4 to 0. I was starting to get pissy. It was Adam, Averman, Dwayne, Guy and I.

Adam took the face off, we all got shoved down easily. I groaned in pain but got back up and skated. The Icelanders weaved through us and got yet another goal. Goldberg was taken off… but instantly put back on after Julie was taken out of the game for intent to injure. They took off Guy and put Fulton on. Fulton took his slap shot, but it was saved? That’s new, jeez. I looked over, boy was dad pissed, and my head was really hurting. Aw great I probably have a concussion. Just perfect.

Adam took the puck down the ice again, I followed beside him. The guys came up to him and he passed to me before spinning out of their way. I passed back to Adam and he shot a fast one into the net. The crowd cheered. Adam came up and hugged me, I hugged back but the noise made my ears ring. I got a little dizzy.

“Whoa babe you okay?” Adam asked

“Fine Addy. Come on” I stated as I skated away.

Adam was cheering but I heard him yelp from behind me. I looked back to see an Icelander being taken off for penalty.

“Addy are you okay?” I asked

“I’m okay babe. Don’t worry” Adam smiled.

I didn’t believe him, but the others did, and they rushed me away cheering about the goal.

“An amazing goal by the Royal duo” I heard the announcer speak

Making the team cheer even more. I smiled. We were the Royal duo.

Charlie skated down the ice on a break away. He swung but swung himself to the ground, just like back home. 

Boy was this a rough game.


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