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Aimes Pov.
“Ta da!” Don exclaimed.

We were all on a wheaties box. All the guys looked excited, except Charlie, I think we were both thinking the same thing.

“Hey y’all! That’s us!” Dwyane exclaimed.


“We know”

“Ya think” We all fummed.

Don gave a big speech. I kinda spaced out on it until I realized he was holding up new Jerseys. They had U.S.A written on them, as well as hendrix on the arms. Charlie seemed just as pleased as I was.

“It’s nice Coach but we're the Ducks. This stuff’s got Hendrix written all over it” Charlie sighed.

“Well yeah they’re our sponsors Charlie” my dad answered.

“So what? Can’t we be U.S.A Ducks? Or at least keep our own colors” I asked.

“It’s business stuff, twins. Don’t worry about it” My dad scuffed up my hair before getting up to talk to Don.

“Isn’t this cool babe?” Adam asked me as he walked up. I couldn’t help but shrugg “look I know it’s not the Ducks. But we’re still the same team, just different colors and a few new guys right?” he smiled pulling me into a side hug.

I smiled and nodded, but I didn’t like it. It felt like we were just throwing the ducks away.

A few days later we were sitting outside by the pond, melted at the moment. I was sitting on the grass lying in between Adams' legs, Charlie was beside us. Mrs. MacKay was teaching us about ancient Greece.

“Ancient Greece was the beginning of Western Civilization. See in Greece they didn’t have professional sports, or Wheaties boxes” I like this teacher. Wait, did I just think that? Huh. I guess so “So the athletes competed for another reason. Anybody?” Mrs. MacKay asked us.

“Falafels?” Goldberg asked. We all laughed.

Charlie and I both raised our hands.

“Twins?” She smiled at us.

“Pride” we said in unison.

“That’s right. The various city states waved their flags and wore their home colors proudly” She smiled.

“Did America always dominate?” Fulton asked.

We all chuckled and tsked him. 

“It’s a good question,” Portmon defended.

“No. America wasn’t around back then. Don’t forget that compared to other countries, America is still young, still forming its own identity. America’s a teenager just like you”

“Like us?” Jesse questioned

“You bet. A little awkward at times” we all chuckled at that “But always right there on the verge of greatness” She smiled at us.

“Hey guys! You ready to go!” My dad yelled from the road. 

We all cheered and got on our roller blades before following dad, who was in a golf cart.

“I don’t know what I’ve been told!” My dad called

 “I don’t know what I’ve been told!” We echoed

“Team U.S.A’s gonna win some gold!”

“U.S.A’s gonna win some gold!”

“Sound off!” Charlie yelled

“One two!” Connie and Guy yelled.

“Sound off!” I yelled

“Three four!” Averman and Goldberg yelled.

“Sound off!” Charlie yelled

“One two!” Julie and Ken yelled

“Sound off!” I yelled

“Three four!” Fulton and Portman yelled.

“Sound off!” Charlie yelled

“One two!” Dwyane and Luis yelled

“Sound off!” I yelled

“Three four!” Jesse yelled.

“Adam!” I yelled again in the same sing songy tune

“Right here!” He skated up, wrapping an arm around my waist, also still using the same tune.

“Hands off!” Dad called, same tune

“Yes Sir!” Adam pulled away, talking in the same tune still.

That made all of us burst out laughing.

“Hey didn’t we forget some people coach?” Jesse smirked.

“Twins!” Dad chuckled in the tune once again

“Enough!” Charlie and I yelled, though still following the tune still.

Causing all the guys to nearly fall over with laughter. Once we calmed down we started to skate again, Adam only letting me hold his hand. Which I thought was cute.

“Charlie have you seen my green Ducks jersey!” I yelled while packing my bag for L.A. 

“Check the wash hunny!” Casey yelled from the kitchen.

I ran into the bathroom and tore apart the washer and dryer. I groaned when I didn’t find it. I stomped into the kitchen, Casey chuckled before scruffing up my hair.

“Just wear your new U.S.A jersey on the plane” She smiled.

I groaned as Charlie came out of our room with his bag.

“Ready Aimes?” He asked

“No!” I groaned “I can’t find my jersey”

Charlie chuckled and turned around to put a snack in his bag. Hey wait a second!

“Charlie you’re wearing my jersey!” I exclaimed

“Wait what!” Charlie turned the jersey around before sheepishly smiling up at me. Yup, 00 Bombay.


“Give it back!” I yelled.

Charlie was quick to take off the jersey and pass it to me. 

“Thank you brother” I smirked.

I shoved it over my head before we heard a knock on the door. I ran to it, but tripped over my suitcase and came face to face with a pair of shoes.

“Hey dad” I groaned, without even looking up.

“I see you’re ready to go” he chuckled before lifting me up.

I brushed myself off and picked up my suitcase. I gave Casey a hug before standing at the door waiting for dad and Charlie. 

We were also picking up Adam and Jesse so we were leaving early. 

On the plane I sat in a row with Adam, Guy and Connie. All the Ducks were making fun of us for both being couples. I ended up falling asleep so the fight was really short.

“Hey! Amethyst! Amethyst wake up!” I felt someone shaking me.

I opened my eyes to see Adam.

“Come on” He smiled.

I smiled back before getting up and we left the plane. It was only a short walk till we got to the arena. It was big! Like, championship playoffs big! We all wore matching uniforms as we went to our dorms and got ready for our first game, already!


00 Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt.2 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now