Ah Get Over It

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Aimes Pov.
We skated down the sidewalk, past all the shops till we got to the basket ball court. Jesse was playing street hockey with some other boys. I blew the whistle and Jesse looked over

“Hey twins!” He yelled.

“Jesse we’re back!” Charlie and I exclaimed in unison.

“Let’s go get Averman” Jesse chuckled.

We skated through the mall. People yelling at us or cheering us on on our way. We ran up the escalator, which was very difficult in our roller blades. We reached the movie theater Averman was working at, I blew the whistle again, getting Averman’s attention.

“Averman let's go, come on!” Charlie yelled.

“Come on!” I exclaimed.

Averman tried to protest but we got him out and went to find the others. 

“Where are we going now?” Averman asked.

“We gotta get Connie and Guy” I exclaimed, luckily for us I knew where they were.

Although not exactly lucky for them. They were watching the river, and Guy was about to kiss her, just then Charlie stole the whistle and they noticed us.

“That quack attack is back Jack!” Averman exclaimed.

 Connie instantly went to grab her skates.

“I was this close!” Guy whined.

“Ah get over it” I laughed.

“Easy for you to say Bombay. You’re already lip locking with Adam every chance you get” Guy exclaimed, making us all laugh, but I was also blushing. 

Well, that’s new. We skated through a construction site, Charlie jumped over a concrete mixer. I had to dodge a worker and then nearly clipped a truck but I somehow managed to get over it. We skated down to Goldberg's parents bakery. Charlie blew the whistle.

“Goldberg!” We all exclaimed.

He smiled and was quick to come out with us. We skated over the bridge and literally through the fountain, over to Edena.

We went to Adams house, he was playing hockey with a fake goalie. I smirked and took the whistle from Charlie, blowing it.

“Hey cake eater you wanna play some real hockey?” Jesse asked.

“Yeah!” Adam exclaimed.

He skated over to me and quickly pulled me into a small kiss.

“I told you!” Guy exclaimed.

The boys laughed, I shoved him before we skated off to go find Fulton. Adam was holding my hand as we started talking about the Goodwill Games.

“Guys, it’s an international competition. It’s us against the world!” Adam exclaimed.

“Hey bring em on we’re ready!” Goldberg smiled, right before falling down a hill. He caught up with us as we skated through the park. We saw Fulton messing with Larson, MgGill and another Hawks boy who were trying to pull a tripwire on us. Eventually with the help of Jesse, Adam, Charlie and I, Fulton had successfully tied them to a tree in nothing but their underwear.

“That’ll teach you to mess with the Ducks! Yeah!” Fulton cheered. Us all joining him.

“Yeah and maybe next time come up with something a little more original” I smirked. Remembering when Adam and I pulled this on them a few months ago.

Adam chuckled, kissing my cheek before we sped off with the others. We skated back to where dad wanted to meet us. Charlie blew the whistle as we all began to chant.

“Ducks, ducks, ducks, ducks!”

We all crowded around my dad.

“Welcome back Ducks! I really missed you guys. Are you ready to fly?!” 

We all cheered.

Suddenly a very fancy car pulled up.

“Hey guys. I’m Don Tibbles, Hendrix Hockey Apparel” A little man popped up from the other side of the car “We’re your official sponsors, anybody want a card?” Don asked.

The guys all skated up and got one. I didn’t. There was something about this guy that made me iffy. Dad got into the car with Don. Charlie and I had to go home to finish our homework, Adam came over as well. We all hung out and watched some movies before Adam skated home.

I was absolutely thrilled. The Ducks were back baby!


It's a shorter chapter, but it's one of my favorites in the whole book!

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