Hey Cake eater

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Aimes Pov.

I walked around the different spot arenas before I finally reached the hockey rink. Of course there was a lone skater, going back and forth around the rink. I chuckled and ran back to the dorms to grab my skates. When I got back I went out onto the ice, leaning against the doors.

“Hey Cake eater” I smirked.

Adam quickly spun his head around, before skating over to me.

“Hey” he smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I lifted my head to try and kiss him, but I was too short and couldn’t go on my tippy toes. Adam chuckled at my attempts.

“What would you like a kiss?” he smirked

“Uh yeah!” i exclaimed

He smirked and bent down to kiss me, but just before he did, he skated off.

“Guess you’ll have to catch me Bombay!” He yelled back

I laughed before skating after him. We skated around the rink for a solid 5 minutes. I was a millimeter away the entire time.

“Come on baby!” Adam laughed

“Oh shut up Addy!” I laughed

Finally after nearly 7 minutes, I grabbed the back of Adams jacket, making him trip. Sadly we both went crashing down. We both spun around and Adam fell on top of me. I stared up into his beautiful sky blue eyes. The same blue eyes I fell for last year at our first game against the Hawks.

“Caught ya” I smirked

“Actually from the looks of it I caught you” He smirked back.

I rolled my eyes

“Whatever” I smiled, before hooking a hand around his neck and smashing our lips together. 

His lips were always soft and sweet. Our lips moved in sync, we’d never kissed like this before. It was amazing. My hands started to run through Adams' hair as we heard the rink doors open to see Charlie, Guy, Fulton, Averman and Connie.

“Adam what the hell are you doing!” Charlie exclaimed as he ran on to the ice. 

“I-I was just” Adam had no clue what to say

“He fell guys” I sighed, was this really happening?

“Yeah right onto your lips” Guy frowned

“What jealous are we Guy?” I smirked

“Shut up Aimes” Guy exclaimed, with a small blush.

“Look guys that’s enough. Why are you even here?” I asked.

“Um… Did you forget about the giant window” Connie laughed, pointing up to the top of the rink.

The entire team was standing there looking at us. I groaned embarrassed and hid in Adam's shoulder as they all started laughing.

“Come on guys let’s go back to the dorms. It’ll be lights out soon” I skated away, trying to hide my blush.

“Yes mom!” Fulton and Averman smirked.

I raised a hand looking like I would hit them.

“Yes ma’am!” Averman cringed away, making us all laugh.

God I love my team. If only dad was here with us.

I woke up in the middle of the night and heard. Yelling in one room beside me, and rock music in the other. I groaned and rolled out of bed before opening the door of our dorm. I was tired, sore and grumpy, and everyone knew I was a pain in the ass when I’m tired. I decided first to go to the room to the left of me with Luis, Dwayne, Goldberg and Ken. I opened their door to find Dwayne chasing them around the room with shaving cream all over his face. 

“Hey!” I screamed, making them all shut up and look at me.

“Aimes! I was just sleepin peacefully when-

“Shut up” I yelled at the Cowboy

“Yes Ma’am” he squeeked.

“Now I want all of you in bed in one minute or you’ll be waking up with your underwear hanging from the scoreboard. You get me?” I threatened.

They all nodded and sprung into action, and in a minute. They were all in bed.

“Goodnight boys” I groaned

“Night Aimes” they all chorused.

I nodded before walking to the room where the rock music was being played. I rammed through the door and the music instantly stopped.

“Fulton” I groaned.

“Sorry Aimes” he mumbled. 

Fulton went through the playoffs last year with me, so he knew he’d messed up.

“One more noise from this room, and I’ll shrink your jerseys so small you won’t be able to fit your smart ass heads in em you understand?” I growled.

“Yes Aimes” Fulton nodded, getting into his bed.

But Portman stayed put.

“Why should I listen to you. Little 5 foot, coach's daughter, Queenie” Portman smirked triumphantly.

What did he just call me? I chuckled as Fulton sighed.

“Dude bad ide-

Fulton didn’t even get to finish his sentence before I grabbed Portman by his ear, pulling his shirt half off his body, and tying him to the ceiling fan… somehow. He was crazy tall so he could still stand up properly.

“What the! Hey! Get me down! You’re crazy!” Portman whined.

I smirked before looking at Fulton.

“Fulton you may untie him. Then. Bed!” I growled

“Alright Aimes” the both nodded.

I nodded triumphantly before walking out of the dorm. I was about to step back into my rooms when a huge sleepy applause erupted from the dorms in the hallway, and they weren’t even filled with only our team. I was glad to help, but too tired for applause.

“Sleep!” I yelled, and it was instantly silent “You’re also welcome”

I chuckled and went back into my room. When I closed the door I saw a shirtless Adam lying on my bed. I smirked.

“Well look who’s not in bed” 

“Well look who’s a total badass” Adam sirked, pulling me down onto the bed. 

“Didn’t we already know that?” I chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me.

“That was awesome” he smiled, before kissing my temple.

“Addy. Go to bed” I groaned, rolling over

“Alright” he smiled, getting comfortable.

“No, in your own bed” I smirked “Charlie finds you in here in the morning he’ll flip”

“Nah. Charlie’s my best friend, he’ll be fine” Adam smiled.

“Yeah your best friend and my brother” I chuckled.

“Sleep Amethyst, just sleep” he mumbled before closing his eyes.

I chuckled and just left it alone. I fell asleep in Adam's arms. Falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.


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