Chapter 30 ~ We didn't start the fire

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??? POV

I run throughout the halls. I hear paws chasing after me and I shriek with joy as I run into Mommy's bedroom. I jump on her bed, stirring her from her sleep. The animal chasing me jumps up on the bed and tackles me, pinning me to the bed as it attacks me with its tongue. I laugh as I squirm, trying to get him off of me.

I hear footsteps running towards the room and I look towards the door.

"Sorry, (Y/n). We tried to keep them under control." Bucky pants from the door.

"Man I'm getting too old for this." Sam pants next to him with his hands on his knees. "He's too fast."

"Max. Down." Bucky says and Max climbs off of me.

"Hey kid. We have food for you in the kitchen. If you cooperate—" Bucky starts.

"Food!" I scream and run out of the room, leaving them in the dust.

I can only imagine their sighs as they try to run after me.

I run around the corner but misplace my foot and slip, rolling into the table in the dining room. I hear something shatter and look up to see a broken plate on the floor.

"Uh, oh."

"What was that?!" A chorus of voices say as I hear multiple footsteps make their way to me.

Sam, Bucky, Steve, Max, Mommy, and Daddy all run into the dining room to see me on the floor by the table. They see the broken plate but check to see if I'm okay first.


Yeah, that's me. Named after my Uncle Bucky and the legendary Anthony Stark who sacrificed his life 10 years ago. Everybody just calls me Tony though. When Mom and Dad got married Mom wanted to keep her last name so Dad just changed his. People say I look just like my Dad. I have his sea-green eyes, but my mom's hair. Obviously I have my mom's powers though which gets me in a lot of trouble.

I flinch at the sound of Mom's voice and I see the others do too.

"What did I say about using your powers in the house?!"

"Woah, (Y/n) calm down. It's just a plate. No harm done." Steve says.

"I'm not mad about the plate!"

"Then what exactly are you yelling for?" Daddy asks.

"He could hurt himself. He doesn't know how to control his powers yet."

"Well that's why you gotta let him try," Sam says.

"Yeah. You know how many walls you ran into when you first had your powers?" Dad asks.

"Too many to count," Mom says and they all chuckle.

"Plus he'll have an amazing mother to teach him all she knows," Max adds.

"Thank guys." She then looks at me as I rub the back of my head. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, Tony." She says softly.

I stand up. "No, I'm sorry. I should've listened. Sorry about the plate."

She brushes it off. "It can be replaced, you can't."

I look up at her and smile.

Bucky sighs in relief. "Who knew handling a seven-year-old with superspeed was harder than you thought?"

"Well I made breakfast. We can have some before heading to the ceremony." Daddy says.

"Wait!" I say before they all disperse. "I have something I want to show you guys. Paw Paw, cue the music."

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