Chapter 29 ~ One final mission

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2 weeks later...

"Now remember... you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got 'em or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities." Bruce tells us.

"Don't worry, Bruce. We got this." I reassure him.

"Clip all the branches," Dad says.

"You know, I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the stones, I really tried to bring her back. I miss her, man."

I pat Bruce's arm. "I do too, pal," I say softly.

Dad nods in agreement. "Me too."

Dad and I start walking towards the smaller version of the Quantum Tunnel that Hank Pym helped Bruce and Rocket create. Rocket helped before having to leave off to space, taking Thor with them.

"You know, if you want, I could come with you guys." Sam offers.

"You're a good man, Sam," Dad says, smiling at his friend.

"This one's on us, though," I say and punch his arm playfully.

I walk over to Roy and Max, smiling at them. "See ya in a minute," I say and hug my two boys.

Roy smiles. "Be careful."

I nod and walk over to Bucky who is talking to Dad.

"Don't do anything stupid till I get back," Dad tells him.

Bucky smiles and rolls his eyes. "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." They pull each other into a quick hug before Bucky pulls back. He spots me behind Dad. "Keep him safe, will ya?"

I shrug. "Don't think I can. We're going separate ways."

I bring Bucky into a quick hug.

"Gonna miss you, buddy," Bucky says softly to Dad once we pull away.

"It's gonna be okay, Buck," Dad reassures him.

Dad and I make our way to the Quantum Tunnel.

"You got your stones?" Dad asks.

I nod and shake the case with Loki's scepter with the mind stone in it. I then dig into my pockets, taking the Time Stone and the Aether, which is in a little vial, out to show him.

"You sure that's gonna be safe in your pocket?"

"Yeah. It should be." I say with a shrug and place them back in my pocket.

We both nod and tap our hands, making the Quantum suits appear on us.

"How long is this gonna take?" Sam calls out to Bruce.

"For them, as long as they need. For us, five seconds."

Dad then goes to pick up Mjolnir and I look at him with a raised brow. He sighs and hands it to me and I smile widely, knowing how much he wants to hold it.

"You know I still can't believe you were worthy all this time." Dad chuckles and I chuckle along with him.

"You guys ready?" We both nod at Bruce. "All right, we'll meet you back here, okay?"

"You bet." Dad answers.

"Got it," I say.

Our helmets come over our heads.

"Going quantum. 3... 2... 1."

That's when we shrink and Dad and I go our separate ways in the Quantum Realm.

Asgard 2013

I land and stumble forward as I try to balance myself. I look around as my Quantum Suit comes off, revealing my regular clothes.

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