Chapter 6 ~ If the kid is dead, so are you

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"Peter you look so handsome." I take a step back and admire his suit along with his Aunt May after tying his tie.

He pulls at the collar. "Are you sure?"

"Yes Peter. You have nothing to worry about." May says to him.

He turns around and grabs the corsages off his bed. "I have two corsages. I need you guys to pick one."

May and I both laugh and we pick one for him as he rushes about his room.

May shakes his head and turns to me. "It's really nice to finally meet you (Y/n). Peter has spoken very highly of you. I just want to thank you for being there for him... even after he lost the Stark Internship."

"Of course! Pete and I have grown close over the past year. He's become like a little brother to me." I smile softly at her.

The Stark Internship was the cover story Tony made up for Pete being Spider-Man. And as I suspected yesterday, Peter did leave me a depressing voicemail which almost made me cry. Oh and another thing... don't ever play Tony Stark in Mario Kart he will destroy you.

I see Peter spraying on some cologne and fixing his hair in the mirror. May sees this too and we both chuckle at his nervousness.

"Peter you look fine," May says and comes up behind him, squeezing his shoulders.

Peter nods as he tries to convince himself. "Yeah, yeah." He turns around so he can face May. "Hey I'll meet you downstairs I just want to talk to (Y/n) real quick."

May looks back at me before looking at Peter. She nods and leaves the room.

I smile at the kid in front of me. "So how does it feel? Taking the girl of your dreams to homecoming. You excited?"

"Yeah, I guess..."

I frown at his unenthusiastic response and raise a brow at him. "Alright. What's on your mind?"

"I just... I feel like I failed Mr. Stark. Spider-Man was everything to me and I let him down. He took the suit."

"Pete," I say and put a hand on his shoulder. "That suit didn't make you Spider-Man. It was your actions, your character, your heart. You're still a hero with or without that suit. You just gotta show him that."

Peter looks up at me, giving me a small smile. "Man you are really good at those inspirational speeches."

I chuckle. "Well I did learn from a certain someone," I say as I think of Dad. "C'mon we should meet May downstairs or she'll start to worry."

He nods and we both make our way down the stairs.

"I think we're ready to go," I say as we make our way to the living room.

May jumps up from the couch. "I forgot to take pictures!"

Peter groans and I laugh at his reaction. "They're not that bad. Lighten up." I nudge his shoulder before going over to May and also whipping my phone out to take pictures.

"(Y/n) you should get in the photo with him," May suggests.

"What? Oh no-no-no. Thank you though." I say.

"C'mon. 'They're not that bad. Lighten up.'" Peter teases me.

I roll my eyes with a wide smile. "Alright." I make my way over to him and wrap an arm around his shoulder. "Smartass," I mutter for only him to hear. He only snickers.

Once May is done taking the pictures I let go and turn to her. "Did you teach him how to dance?"

She nods. "Yeah. He's been practicing all week."

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