Chapter 18 ~ EVERYBODY STAY CALM!!!!

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9 months later...

My phone rings, waking me up. I groan and look at the time before grabbing my phone and answer it without checking the caller ID.

"It's six in the fucking morning." I groan to whoever is on the other side.

"OH MY GOD, IT'S HAPPENING!" Tony frickin' Stark yells in my ear, jolting me awake and makes me jump off my bed.

"What the fuck, Tony." I groan from the floor.

"EVERYBODY STAY CALM!!!!" Tony yells.

"Nobody's freaking out but you." I groan. "Just calm down."

"I AM CALM!!!"

"Stop yelling," I whine as I sit up, holding the phone away from my ear.


"I'm coming, I'm coming," I say as I drag myself off the floor.


"I said I'm coming!" I yell back. "I'll see you in a minute." I hang up the phone and then plop myself back on my bed to get five more minutes of sleep.

But that doesn't happen because the universe hates me.

Dad comes barging in my room without knocking. "Tony just called! The—"

"Baby's coming. Yeah I know. He just blew out my eardrum freaking out over it." I groan, my face in my pillow. Then realization hits me in the face. "He called you?" I ask as I lift my head up and look at him.

"Yeah, I was shocked too. Maybe he wants the whole team there for it." Dad shrugs. He's already ready and dressed while I'm still in my pajamas. "Get dress, we gotta go."He tells me, but I'm already half-asleep again and slowly drifting back off to sleep. He then pushes me off my bed so I fall on the floor once more.

"Okay, I'm up," I say as I stand up.

I use my speed to quickly change into some regular clothes and put on one of Roy's hoodies, which I took from the compound. I then pick up Dad with all my might and run us to the hospital where I drop him at the entrance of the building.

"How much do you weigh, jeez," I say as I shake my arms and roll my shoulders to get some feeling back into them.

Dad winces as he gets back up. "I think 250, maybe more."

"Really?" I ask unbelievingly.

"Yeah now let's hurry up." He says as we rush inside and to the reception desk.

"We're here to see Tony Stark," I say to her.

She looks at Dad and me wide-eyed. "Oh my gosh! You're Captain America and Speedy! Can I have a picture with you two?" She asks us.

"After we're done with the Stark's. Where are they?" Dad asks.

"Right. Follow me, please." She says and takes us to an elevator, pressing the button to the floor they're on.

Honestly I'm nervous and kind of shaky, but I glance over at Dad to see he's the same way. Once the doors open the two of us rush out and run to the room Tony and Pepper are in. We burst through the door, startling the both of them. Tony is next to Pepper's bed, totally freaking out and biting his nails nervously. Pepper looks uncomfortable, obviously, but she manages to stay calm as she lays on the bed and gives the two of us a small smile. Tony Stark on the other hand starts making weird inhuman noises.

"Tony, I'm the one having the baby here and you don't see me freaking out." Pepper scolds him.

"I got this, Pep," I tell her as I go over to Tony and slap him across his face.

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