Chapter 11 ~ Takes the end of the world to bring us together

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The team was ready to go within the hour and we all headed to the jet and took off. Sam is in the front flying the jet while the rest of us are in the back. Roy and I are now in our suits, ready for action. He's sitting right next to me, holding an ice pack on my nose like he was doing before. Natasha comes over to us.

"Aw isn't that adorable," Nat says.

Roy rolls his eyes. "Can't I just do something nice for her."

Nat smiles at how defensive Roy is getting.

"I like the blonde by the way," I say to her.

"I got a little inspiration from someone." She says as she looks over at Dad. "You know it was hard on him to leave you here, right? He never wanted to leave your side, but he wanted what was best for you."

"I know Nat. Besides, I had Tony, Roy, Vis, and Rhodey to keep me company. I was kinda hoping you guys would come back and rescue me, but I also knew that you wouldn't risk that either and I couldn't leave Tony. I couldn't ask him to take the cuff off either because that would get him in trouble. They kept me bound to the house for months. The only thing I could leave for was school, but then I went off to college, currently finishing up my sophomore year." I tell her.

"What're you majoring in?" She asks.

"Forensic science."

"Wow you really are becoming Barry Allen." Nat jokes.

Roy and I laugh. "That's the same thing Tony said," Roy says.

"What're you majoring in then, Roy?" Nat asks.

"Engineering. Tony's been helping me out with some of that." He answers.

Nat nods as Dad comes over to join the conversation.

"What happened to your nose?" He asks me.

"Squidward made me bash my face into a concrete wall," I mutter.

"Who's Squidward?" Dad questions.

"Please don't tell me you've never seen SpongeBob SquarePants." Roy groans.

"Yes I've seen SpongeBob." Dad retorts back with an eye roll. "I mean... is that the alien you faced?" He asks us.

"Yeah." I nod.

"I got to let Sam know the coordinates to take." He says to us. I nod and Roy and I get up to follow him to the front of the jet. "Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0," Dad says to Sam.

"You do realize we're heading right at some trees, right?" Roy asks worriedly.

"I hope you're right about this, Cap," Sam adds on to what Roy says. "Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to."

"Oh come on, guys. Do you trust me?" Dad holds his hand out to us.



"Not a chance."

Sam, Roy, and I say in that order as I smack Dad's hand away. He fake pouts, but it's adorable because he looks like a puppy. Roy and I hold on to each other, preparing for impact when the jet goes through an invisible barrier. Roy and I stare in awe at the place and I see Dad smiling down at us.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"Wakanda." He answers.

"Really?" Roy asks, surprised and amazed at all of this.

"Yeah. Their technology is more advanced than ours so they should be able to help. Bucky stayed here after everything that went down two years ago. He wanted to try and get whatever HYDRA did to him out of his head."

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