Chapter 13 ~ We're in the endgame now

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"Guys, we got a Vision situation here," Sam informs us.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Dad yells.

"I'm on it!" I say back.

"I got him!" Bruce says at the same time as me.

I turn to Roy. "Wanna help?"

He shrugs. "You gonna give me a lift?"

I nod and pick him up bridal style. "Hold on, Power Ranger," I say as I run off in the direction Vision is.

"On my way," Wanda informs us, but then I hear her grunt so she might not be able to help us for a while.

I run across the field, trying to avoid as many aliens as possible as I make my way to the forest.

"Guys! Vision needs backup now!" Bruce yells into the earpiece.

"I'm trying to find you now, Uncle Brucie. Just hold on." I say to him.

I spot Bruce fighting the alien from before, in New York with the big hammer, by the base of a waterfall. I stop right beside Bruce and let Roy down as the three of us face the alien.

"Ok... so what now?" Roy asks.

"Uh, anyone got a plan?" I ask.

"(Y/n), you and I can try putting our repulsor beams together," Bruce says.

I nod. "Right."

The both of us hold up our repulsors and send a beam at the alien. He uses his hammer to block the beam as he steps towards us. Once close enough, his hammer thing clasps around one of my extended hands and throws me behind him and I fly into the rock wall near the waterfall. My vision is blurred and I feel blood trickle down my forehead. I'm lying on my back and I look at the blurry fight in front of me, upside down. I see a small figure swinging at what looks like the alien so I can only assume Roy is trying to fight the alien off as Bruce punches at the alien. The alien then swats Roy away like a bug with a swing of his arm, leaving Bruce to fight the alien alone.

"Hulk? Hulk, I know you like making your entrance at the last second. Well, this is it, man. This is the last, last second." I hear Bruce say to himself.

The alien grabs onto the Hulkbuster's left arm with his ax at the shoulder joint of the armor and rolls over Bruce's back to completely snap the whole arm off the armor.

"Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!" Bruce yells, trying to get Hulk to come out.

"NOOOOO!" I hear Hulk scream to Bruce.

"Oh, screw you, you big, green asshole! I'll do it myself!" Bruce yells to Hulk.

Bruce starts beating the alien with his remaining arm, managing to get a few hits in before the alien punches him back, sending him flat on his butt. The alien changes its left-hand armor into a pointed weapon and lunges to deliver a fatal blow, but Bruce grabs the detached Hulkbuster arm out of the water, holding it so the alien impales that instead and slaps the controls.

"See ya!" Bruce says to the alien before the repulsors fire, sending the alien into the air. "Hulk, we got a lot to figure out, pal," Bruce says as he watches the alien explode above. He then remembers me and Roy and runs over to me first since I'm closer. "(Y/n), are you okay?"

I smile at him, so out of it right now. "There's two of you." I giggle like I'm drunk as I reach out to the two Bruce's in a Hulkbuster suit.

"Oh, no." Bruce murmurs and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder that's still attached. He runs and finds Roy, who is stirring from his previous state of unconsciousness. "Are you okay?" Bruce asks Roy.

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