Yandere Earl Grey x Reader /Natural Order/

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A/N: Before I start here, I'd like to ask something since I'm just dying of curiosity: Which one of these stories is your favourite, which one do you like the least and why? Requested by 

Since this is Black Butler, I guess you all know which warnings I'd start listing here.

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Work before play, was the old saying and it had never appealed to him. Charles Grey was a restless man and preferred to enjoy himself whenever he could.

"Unprofessional", the other Charles would sneer when his partner would let his childish streak fully bloom but he had long stopped caring. The former had also stopped fussing about it a long time ago, concluding that it was futile.

It was better that way, with both of them working together so well despite their differences. Then, when for once in eons they were separated for more than a few days it felt like half of him was missing. Strangely, that was preferable that his fellow butler wasn't with him.

Anyway, if there was something wrong with the way he approached his duties then he would have long been sacked. So far, the Queen hadn't uttered a single of distain or disapproval, so he saw no point in changing his ways.

Until he did.

Jovial amusement wasn't frown upon, but would love be? As any other he had heard tales of how desire twists head and hearts until what emerges is something wholly depraved as opposed to the purity it is supposed to be. His feeling were the latter, unsullied, untainted, not vile in any way.

Isn't it interesting how people tell themselves the most outrageous lies?

Would he be chastised for his conduct? Charles already knew the answer: no, on the condition that it would hinder his duties or contradict with her Majesty's wishes.

Though, the wishes and habits of a certain other person of importance might just one day drive him to overstep some very clear limits to his role.

It seemed like he had already spent hours leaning against the wall next to the door of your room, waiting faithfully. But the clock resting on the commode told him that barely forty minutes had passed. In boredom and irritation his mind wandered – whining thoughts intersected with pleasant musing.

Why did women always take so long to get dressed? The rustling of fabric passed through the door along with the steady murmur of conversation as the servants got you ready for the day. Part of him was sure you were dawdling on purpose in order to lengthen your time away from his caring gestures. Later, he would have a word with you about avoiding him.

Guarding people, or babysitting duty as he tended to call it, was something he could never grow fond of. Normally it was such dull work since the aristocrats they were tasked with protecting had absolutely no understanding for fun. Additionally, the bunch of stuck-up peacocks usually weren't as civilized as they claimed to be.

Why you had to be guarded, he didn't know with concrete certainty. The whims and ways of Queen Victoria were something he was unquestionably subject to and wasn't in the position to be privy to the reasoning of her Highness, he had no right to.

That didn't stop him from setting up his own thesis built upon his observations.

It was no dainty damsel that would faint at the slightest prospect of danger that he was protecting. No, you were too clever, far too ambitious and driven for a woman.

(Too bad that you would choke on your dreams and trip on your hopes.)

You had a temperament more like a storm than that of an angel. For all your talents and hunger for things out of your reach, you were stuck, and it frustrated you endlessly that you own choices mattered so little.

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