Yandere! Karma Akabane x Reader ~ Neglect ~

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Actually you should have been at school. It was the start of May, a wonderful spring morning and the summer break was just a few weeks ahead. That should have been motivation enough to struggle through the last month before the holidays.

Not in your case.

You were at home, gazing out the window and watching as the trees in your front garden gently swayed in the breeze. Even though it was well past 10 o'clock you were still in your pyjamas and curled up in your bed to ease your stomach ache.

In general you were a healthy person that seldom was bed-ridden, but the chronic stress of the past few months had wrecked your nerves, gnawing away at you until you were this pale figure with a vacant gaze and dark circles under their eyes. Your mother has sunken into worry regarding your vegetating state, already casting concerned glances at you when the whole drama started.

There was nothing she could do so whenever she asked "What is wrong my angel? You can always tell me." you would dance around the subject.

You couldn't strain her anymore; she had her own problems that needed to be sorted out without yours on her plate as well. It was up to you, you carried all the blame for the events that resulted from your miserable decisions and only you could put an end to your own woe, everybody was inept to understand.

You shut your eyes in an attempt to catch a few moments of blissful sleep but no such boon was bestowed upon you. Every time your lids fell closed you visualize him; saw his devilish grin, felt his hands touching you as feather-light as always, would cling to you like glue and be as unyielding as steel. Heard his soft voice that was airy as if he were in a constant day-dream, even when blood was about to coat his skin; it made your intestines twist further.

Aimlessly you felt around for the bucket at your bedside as bile rose in your throat. Hovering above it for a few minutes you then pulled away when thankfully none of your stomach contents were spilled, although there still was the unpleasant burn that acid causes in the back of your mouth. Sighing you resumed to idly gaze out the window again, or at least you wanted to.

That silent joy was immediately liquidated when instead of looking over the serene front garden you stared directly in the boyish face of Karma Akabane. The shock was so great that you nearly fell out of bed.

No it can't be him. Wasn't he supposed to be in school at this time?

But it wasn't a hallucination you begrudgingly realised when the mischievous eyes of Satan incarnate didn't fade in the morning sun. Only then did you notice how he had unlatched the lock and was prying the window open, to late did you start scrambling down from your resting place.

A hand grasped a fist full of your night clothes before you could flee and pulled you back into place. "There is no need to rush to open the front door my love. I don't mind coming through the window", he purred in complete amusement over your antics. You froze with fear and then felt how the numbing emotion melted to white-hot fury.

How could he be so ignorant?

Time and time again you had expressed your distaste, your outright hatred for him, but he would always chalk up your vicious words as an act, repeat that you were lying to yourself and denying your obvious affection for him or would twist and misinterpret your actions to suit agenda. In the instances that he would listen to you and doubt his own implications and fantasies however it was as if something in him would crack and grow fissures.

It was as if a thin sheet of glass was all there was that separated him from agony and madness, you feared what else may lay beneath it and thus, after many hard learned lessons, you had stopped with your downgrading jabs and outbursts and he had taken the decline in your straight-forward rejections as compliance.

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