Yandere Kanaki Ken x Reader /Covert/

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A/N: Hello there again. Long time no see. And I hope you can enjoy this all the more after my hiatus. Requested by 

Warning: ghouls (does that say enough?)

Common sense advised you that it was best not to visit ancient temples in the dead of night, least you angered the spirits and they cursed you with misfortune and suffering for your intrusiveness. Puny mortals like you tended to evoke their ire after all, especially when your sorts became too curious. However, you had been known for your thirst for knowledge rather than your good judgement.

Which was why you were here, wandering the wide expanses of the huge building complex in the pale moon-light, a sole, dim lantern the only light source you possessed to illuminate that dark corners the silver rays didn't touch. And now that you were here, you didn't see the reason why everybody made such a fuss about this place. At least, not yet.

Sure, it wasn't so majestic as it was in the midday sun, the breath-takingly saturated reds and blues and golds just faded nuances of themselves in the twilight. The murals and the stories them told were no longer so intimidating now that you had to concentrate to fully recognize them. And while the sheer seize of this monument to the power that be was still commanded respect, it no longer appeared so authoritarian.

However, it now had an odd tranquillity to it, now that the corridors were no longer filled with monks and nuns. They had all retired for the night, going to bed at a timely hour so that they could rise before dawn. Even the light in the abbot's private quarters had been extinguished; you had ensured that before you had snuck in.

Which provided you with the opportune time slot to do some exploring. Now that was something the inhabitants of this place would take a lot of offense to. Trespassing and the sorts was a sin to them, especially when the sight was holy. For all you knew, if they were to find out about your little escapade, they would probably excuse you of disturbing the dead, since it was commonly known that they cremated the deceased and laid their ashes to rest somewhere here. Something you would be sure to avoid.

Even if you could refute the gravest of their accusations they would still be all hopping mad. A mere civilians, low born and of a sullied mind, wandering their hallowed halls unsupervised? Heresy to even consider such a crime.

Yet they shouldn't be surprised, it occurred to you as you took feather-light steps towards the core of the grounds. They who were so out of touch with reality that they regarded everything that wasn't them or more powerful than to them to be below their feet, mere ants that they tended to when they didn't tread on them. They, with their holier-than-thou attitude, and still bled red blood like regular mortals. All those preachers and so-called blessed that resided in their ivory tower, disconnected from the rest of the living realm and the harsh realities ordinary people faced.

At this point, they couldn't comprehend that they may have wandered down the wrong path, and that they weren't as virtuous as they proclaimed themselves to be. While once they must have been humble and kind, they had become tawdry, unable to comprehend the milliards of desires and emotions that belonged to the human experience. They couldn't fathom that a great many would wish to unravel their secrets.

Although, going through the galleries and straying from the path that were barred from the public, you could understand the appeal of self-segregation; and the greed that was likely the root selfishly keep so much to themselves. Barring oneself off from all the hardships and suffering to live in a palace was very appealing.

The statues and carvings and painting on display were absolutely beautiful, furthering the elysian touch this place had. A place befit the kings and queens with its high pillars and open corridors and lush vegetation. Or, as they liked to frame it, one worthy of the high spirits and those that honoured them.

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