Yandere Sebastian Michaelis x Reader /Game/

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A/N: I had seriously been wondering when somebody would request a Black Butler character and here it was finally come. Sorry for the long wait, I'm just now managing to find time to post stuff between social activities and school work.

As time passed, he had grown fond of watching you play your silly little games. He himself detested such places, especially for the way they would stink of alcohol and cigarettes even if they were of the finer sort. No amount of silk and jewels could hide the devious doings.

Not that he could or even would do anything against it as he stood by and sneered at the petty spiels that the people here loved. Humans always fascinated him; with their arrogance, their pride, their false bravado. It was how one life differed little from another, in some respects: the same mistakes and the way they preached water but drank wine. A white facade but soul as black as a starless night; and everybody said demons were the ultimate evil!

The latter didn't have such issues and every time Sebastian would venture in the realm of the former, he would find himself pondering on the follies of the mortals anew. Maybe that's why he was so picky – quality was hard to come by, strength and valour rare, but they were exactly what made human essence taste so good. It had been so long since he had tasted something exquisite, a sort of flavour that made him wither with extasy. Maybe you would be the sort to provide.

This wasn't the first time he had to put up with such dramatics. Once, a young master of his had immersed in a childish show next to his quest for revenge, usually twisting into something far more intricate.

Years had passed since those days and he had been summoned to serve another. This one was duller in wit a well as in entertainment provided, than the youngster and loved gamble – the reason he often found himself in places he'd rather not be.

That is how he encountered you.

The way you lounged in your chair, as if the stakes weren't that high and the whole show was about you – in a way it even was. You played as if you never done anything other in your entire life and that is what caught his eye. Sebastian had stood behind his master, attentive and ready to fulfil any whim at moment's notice, when the game had been against you.

"Prepared to taste defeat, (l/n)?", the human had inquired with a smug attitude. In turn you had responded with a light smile that hid a sinister promise, along with the words: "Pride comes before the downfall. Remember that dear, when I bruise your ego."

Definitely, his current master wasn't the best on he had. Too arrogant, too haughty without any finesse to compensate for it, the demon even harboured a bit of hatred for him. Which is why he took delight when the mortal had suffered a blow to his pride that night. You had kept your word, and the servant had spent a good portion of the night quelling a temper tantrum.

As expected, the defeated didn't take the lesson to heart, even though it was as clear as day just how much of an amateur he was in contrast to you. Elegance, that is what you were, in your evening clothing; immovable in your feline-like attitude. Needless to say he found himself intrigued by you.

Not because you were perfect – no you were so condemningly human with your pride and utter dissatisfaction. Yes, he saw what lay beneath the surface, he had too much experience not to. It was what you were in addition that captivated him – your cat-like nature and fine grace that came with it.

Such a shame that you just had to be human, that your virtues were marred by your primitive side.

Demons were vile in their own way: They were as greedy and devious as any mortal but to a much more refined extent. Besides, their prey was petty in their weak ways which is way they could afford to look down on the mortals in the first place. So much set them apart so why not also have a bit of fun with them?

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