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Emilia had stayed at Ron's side as Hermione and Harry went on their little adventure

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Emilia had stayed at Ron's side as Hermione and Harry went on their little adventure. Emilia felt as though she had been through enough excitement for the night. And messing with time was...not something she wanted to be involved in. That and of course she wanted to stay with him. Not that she stayed long, they had walked in the doors seconds after they had disappeared.

After that things wrapped up rather quickly. Quicker than she believed it would. And the school year was suddenly over and everything was back to the way it was. Emilia went back to the beautiful Ravenclaw common room, surrounded by her fellow students reading books, doing homework, or their own interesting and creative hobbies. Emilia tucked some hair behind her ear and headed to her dorm room. Pulling back the covers or her made bed and climbing inside, laying down and looking up to the ceiling of her dorm, painted consolations spread across. Her mind was moving too fast again. She could tell she was thinking about a lot, the trio knowing she was a legitimacy. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin,  Ron, Harry, Hermionie. But really she couldn't even hear her thoughts, it was as if they were just happening in the background.  She had been apart of the adventure this year, just like her father had wanted. Now to figure out how much to tell him, without lying, he could tell if she lied. 


As she was headed towards the Ravenclaw common room after the last meal she had spotted Potter. She was worried about him, she felt for him. He had to go back to that wretched family since Siruis's name still wasn't cleared. The hope the small boy had that faithful night for only a moment shattered. He didn't appear any different. His usual self. she supposed he was much more used to such hardships and crazy life-threatening situations. 

"Harry!" she shouted out and over the corridor. Students looked but Emilia just pushed her way through the crowd. Harry had turned and waited for her with a raised brow of curiosity. As she approached she sent a small smile. "Hey Harry" he smiled at the girl.

"Hey Emilia" Emilia tried to think of the words to describe what she wanted to tell him, but what ended up coming out was a jumble of a riddle.

"Look, I'm glad everyone's saved and all that. But like you, you deserve to be happy too. Sorry, that your not." she sputtered. Harry's smile instantly faltered, a frown taking him as he looked at her as if not knowing what she was speaking on. The truth was Emilia hadn't looked in his head, but she could hear it screaming. Far off though, like an echo. 

"I'm fine" he had muttered. She gave him a serious look. 

"No, your not. Furthermore, I'm here to tell you it's not healthy to keep acting like you are...tell your friends, about how your feeling. They care about you, maybe they can help" With that, she turned to leave and walk away but Harry quickly grabbed her arm. She looked at him surprised.

"I never thanked you," He said looking into her eyes. She flushed her brows. 

"For what?" she asked

"Well trying to talk some sense in us for one. But actually, I meant the howl" He explained. Her eyes widened. Knowing she hadn't mentioned it to anyone. 

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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