Chapter 18

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    "Lucifer!" You shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "You were the one responsible for everything! You killed my family!"
   "Yes! After they took what was mine and tried to lock me away forever! But what goes around comes around, pet."
   Before you could think, he raised his hand and blasted you back with magic. You went flying through the air and over the bridge, towards the only darkness of the water below.
   "Save your prayers, princess! No one can save you!"
   "Wanna bet?" Shouted a voice.
   At that moment, Gabriel came running up and slammed his fist into Lucifer's face.
   Lucifer was temporarily knocked back. All Gabriel could think of at the moment was to save you. Almost instantaneously, he had you in his arms, his wings all around you, wrapping you in the safety of his embrace.
    "Gabe..." You whispered. "Thank you."
    "I think that can wait, sugar. We just have to get you somewhere safe."
    You held on tighter to him. "Don't leave me!" All you could think about was how you'd almost lost him and you didn't want to again.
    He pulled you closer, kissing you gently. "I promise I never will again, sweetheart."
    "Aww, how sweet!" Said a voice behind the two of you. Lucifer got to his feet, chuckling darkly. "How touching! My little brother and his little princess, finally reunited. For the last time!"
    He raised his hand to use his magic against you again but Gabriel blocked him with his own magic.
    "You will not touch her!" He shouted, his eyes glowing blue with the grace swirling inside them.
    "So little bro finally got his grace back." Lucifer teased before turning serious. "Now give me the royal brat!"
   "Then this time you die with her!"
   Gabriel pushed you behind him and let his archangel blade fall from his sleeve into his hand. "Bring it on!"
   And, with that, the fight began.
   Gabriel and Lucifer went at one another, fighting with their blades and grace.
   Gabriel yelled at you to run but Lucifer snapped his fingers and you were suddenly grabbed by the same thing that attacked you the day that you met Gabriel and Castiel.
    You screamed and, before Gabriel had a chance to respond, you felt arms around you, fighting off the monster that grabbed you.
   It was Cas.
   "Are you ok, (n/n)?"
   "I'm fine but Gabe..."
   "Don't worry about him. He's strong."
   Your feet hit the ground and you took off running. Your brothers ran and grabbed you, hugging you. Rowena was next.
   That's when Lucifer snapped again and you were all surrounded by demons and monsters. "Kill them all!" He shouted.
   With that, the group of you fought back to back, killing the monsters while Gabriel and Lucifer fought their own battle. All the while, you tried to wade your way through the battle.
   Eventually, you made your way to Gabriel. "Hey, Lucy!" You shouted.
   He turned to you with a wicked smile...only for it to be wiped off his face when Gabriel stabbed him through the back with his archangel blade. Lights erupted from his eyes and mouth as he finally died.
    Gabriel then turned towards you. "(Y/n)!" He ran over to you, pulling you into his arms, and kissing you like it was the last thing he'd ever do.
   The monsters and demons your family had been fighting just disappeared, leaving them to look up and see the situation.
   You were the one to break your kiss with Gabriel. Immediately, you ran to hug each member of your family.
   "So...have you made your choice, dear?" Rowena asked once you'd embraced them all.
   Gabriel walked over and stood next to you, holding your hand. "Go with her, sugar. She's your family."
   You looked to him then to everyone there. "No." You said. Everyone looked up in confusion. "I'm tired of everyone telling me that I have to choose! I don't want to choose between love and family!'re all my family."
   You ran over to Rowena. "Grand Mama, you're my family and I love you. I don't want to ever lose you but I can't live my life pretending to be something I'm not. I am your granddaughter but I'm also a Winchester."
    You then turned towards your brothers and hugged them both. "Sam, Dean, you guys are my family! You've been there for me for 10 years. You've protected me, raised me, and taught me what it means to have a family. I can't leave either of you because I can't imagine a life that doesn't have you guys in it. And, Cas, you're a part of that family too." You added, hugging him too.
    Finally, you turned to Gabriel. "But I can't live my life without the one I love. I love you, Gabriel. I probably always have and I know I always will. You're my guardian angel. My soulmate. You saved my life more times than I can count. I don't want to ever lose you and don't you dare ever run out on me again!" Gabriel smiled sheepishly.
    You looked to them all. "I need all of you with me. The family I was born into, the family that raised me, the family I got along the way, and the one I was always meant to be with."
    You waited to hear what everyone would say. Finally, your brothers spoke up. "Well I don't know where you plan on going from here but wherever it is, we're with you til the end, little sister." Dean said.
    "Always." Sam promised.
    Cas then spoke up. "I'm proud to be a part of your family, (y/n), and if you want me, I'll still be with you as long as you need me."
    Rowena took a deep breath. "Well, I am certain I wasn't expecting this. But I always told myself I didn't want to lose my granddaughter so I will go with you...wherever the road takes us."
    That left Gabriel.
    You turned to him and he cleared his throat before speaking, "Oh, sugar! Did you honestly think I'd leave you after I just got you back? No. I'll never leave you again. I have loved you since the first moment I saw you and will forever and ever." He promised.
    You smiled at your family. "Well I guess that means we do what we do best: just follow the road wherever it takes us. Just one big happy family."
    With that, all of you got in Baby and Dean drove you down the road as you laid your head on Gabriel's shoulder, knowing that, finally, everything would be alright.

The end.

Anastasia (Supernatural au: Gabriel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now