Chapter 9

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   Over the next couple of weeks, you were taught how to be a princess. Castiel had explained that even though your father's reign had been short, you had been taught long before he ever became king.
   However, having to relearn everything was a pain!
   You quickly found that some things were very annoying to learn, like etiquette, while other things were a lot more fun.
                            * * * * *
   "Don't you think tying me to this chair is overkill?"
   "Well, you need to learn perfect posture." Castiel said. "This is the best way. Now, how many forks are there and what are they?"
   "Um...there's the fish fork, salad fork, meat fork..."
   "You're missing one."
   "It's the best part of any meal." Gabriel hinted.
   "The dessert fork?"
   "Very good."
   "Mmm...dessert." Gabriel said.
   "I'll agree as long it's pie!" Dean shouted from the other room.
                           * * * * *
   Ok. So etiquette was not the hardest part of princess training, you learned. Remembering names, dates, titles, that was the hard part!
   "I don't understand what the difference is between a lady, a duchess, and a countess!"
   "Neither do I." Gabriel said, groaning.
   You rolled your eyes.
                        * * * * *
   As time went by, it slowly became a little bit easier for you to understand. Things changed.
   Slowly but surely, you grew closer to the two angels. Castiel was a good guy who was always trying to help you. As for Gabriel, his flirting with you eventually became endearing and you started to really like him.
   It probably helped that you always had that weird feeling when you were around him. You
   But was there something more?
                         * * * * *
   Castiel had explained that, for the last leg of their journey, they would be travelling over the sea before they arrived in Paris. They would need to find tickets on the next flight out.
   "No way!" Dean had shouted. "We need to just find a nice boat! I don't do planes!"
   "Scared of heights there, Dean-o?" Gabriel asked.
   You laughed. "He sure is!"
   Gabriel noticed that your eyes gleamed when you laughed. It made them that much prettier. And, he realized, that whatever feelings he had for you...they were getting stronger.
                           * * * * *
   The boat was huge!
   After the ride had been paid for, Dean drove his car onto the deck. The group of you then went to your rooms to unpack.
   You and your brothers shared a room that consisted of a bunk bed and a couch. After some debate, it was decided that you would take bottom bunk, Sam would take top bunk, and Dean would take the couch. Gabriel and Castiel also had their own room which had two small beds.
   Your brothers had disappeared off to somewhere and you were now focused on unpacking your few bags.
   "Hey, sugar." You heard from behind you. You turned to see Gabriel standing there, a big smile on his face.
   You found yourself blushing a bit as that now familiar feeling of warmth and safety washed over you as well as a newer feeling you hadn't expected.
   "Oh hey, Gabe. What's up?"
   You internally winced at your effort to be cool. Gabe, for his part, chuckled quietly. "I got you a dress."
   He proudly held up a beautiful (second favorite color) dress, a huge grin on his face.
   "Oh it's beautiful! Where did you get it?"
   "I bought it at one of the stores we stopped at before we got to port."
   "You bought this? Instead of stealing it?"
   Gabriel grinned. "Yea well I couldn't exactly just snap it up for you. Trust me, sugar, if I could, I'd snap you up all the dresses and jewelry you'd like."
   His words made you melt a little inside. Even though it would be no problem for him to do it but it was still an extremely sweet gesture.
   Composing yourself, you grinned. "Careful, Gabe. People might actually think you're nice."
   He chuckled. "That can't let that happen. I have a reputation as the Trickster to uphold." A little laugh escaped your lips. Gabriel got distracted by your laugh, effectively ending your sass battle. "Um...any old how, you should put this on. Good old Casburger wants to finish your princess lessons tonight if possible."
   You laughed at the "Casburger" nickname. "What's left?"
   You nodded. "Ok. Well I'll see you in a few minutes then."
   He looked like he wanted to say something before but thought better of it. He nodded too then left, waving as he did so.
   Sighing, you turned your attention back to the dress. Well, looks like you'll be playing dress up after all!
                           * * * * *
   A few minutes later, the guys were standing on the deck, chatting, when you walked up wearing the dress with a pair of boots and your hair pulled up (ponytail, bun, or braid).
   Gabriel's mouth dropped open while Castiel and your brothers applauded. Dean went over to hug you first. "Well, sis, for once you actually look like a girl!"
   You glared at him. "Well gee thanks, bro." You said sarcastically as you flipped him off playfully.
   "You look nice, (n/n). Ignore him." Sam said as he pulled you into a hug.
   "I must agree." Castiel said. "You do possess a sort of quality that does seem aesetically pleasing to the eye."
   "Um...thanks?" You said, still getting used to Cas' weird way of talking.
   You turned to Gabriel who had slowly thawed. "Well, sugar, look...absolutely gorgeous. Radiant. Enchanting." He cleared his throat. "Beautiful." He finally settled.
   You smiled. "Thanks, Gabe."
   "So," Cas cut in, "you are dressed for a ball and you need to learn to dance for as well. Boys, get ready. We're going to each dance with her to teach her."
   Castiel took your hand. "I'll go first. The rest of you jump in when you feel comfortable."
   Taking a deep breath, you let Castiel lead you in a dance. You were extremely awkward at first but quickly learned. He passed you onto Dean with a spin. You danced with him for a minute until Cas told him to spin you. He did so, passing you to Sam. Sam was a lot better at the dancing thing and it wasn't long before you were passed off to Gabriel.
   You took a shaky breath as he took your hand, pulling you close. "Just breathe, sugar." He commanded. You did so, feeling better. "There. Can't have my partner passing out on me." You laughed quietly. "You really do look beautiful, by the way."
   "Thanks." You said, a faint blush covering your face.
   You slowly realized that you had stopped dancing and Gabriel was looking at you intensely. "(N/n), I...uh..."
   You found yourself moving closer to him. His hands were still at your waist and now his lips were moving towards yours. Just as you almost kissed, Gabriel moved away.
   "You're doing well." He said.
   Then he walked off, leaving you feeling confused and a little bit... disappointed?

Anastasia (Supernatural au: Gabriel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now