Chapter 2

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   Lucifer stood at the entrance to the throne room, dressed in a leather jacket and jeans, a sinister smirk on his face.
   "Miss me?" He asked in a joking tone. "Nice party." He began harassing the members there. "Hey. How's it going?" Where he moved, everyone backed up, not wanting to be close to the blond-haired fallen angel. Lucifer seemed to find this amusing. "It's nice you threw this party for me. Didn't know ya cared. So where's my invitation?"
    He made his way over to the throne. "You were not invited!" Crowley shouted. "And how dare you show up here today!"
   "Aww! Little Crowley's upset that I crashed his little party!" Lucifer chuckled darkly before his eyes flashed dangerously. "Perhaps you should've thought of that before you tried to kill me!" He shouted.
   "You are a traitor to everyone here!" Crowley defended. "You were not meant to rule! This is my kingdom and I won't let you take it after everything we've all worked so hard for!"
   Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "That so?" He asked in a dangerously low voice. A loud evil laugh burst forth from his lips. "You think you can banish me from my own kingdom? To turn my people against me?" Another laugh. "That's where you are sorely mistaken." He raised his voice. "You have all betrayed me and you shall all suffer for it! Crowley, you and your family will die...tonight! I will not rest until I have destroyed every traitor and pretender to my throne!"
   That's when a small voice piped up, "You're just a bully! And you won't win!"
   Lucifer looked down at the small princess that was defending her father. "Oh how cute! I think I'll kill you last! More fun that way."
   He turned his attention to Crowley as Rowena pulled her granddaughter out of harm's way. An Archangel blade slipped from his sleeve and, with one quick movement, he stabbed Crowley through the chest!
   At that moment, a bunch of demons came rushing in from all corners of the room and everything descended into mass chaos!
                            * * * * *
   It was pandemonium in hell that night. People were running and shouting. Some tried fighting but a lot of people died.
   In the midst of this chaos, Lucifer had promptly disappeared right after he had stabbed Crowley. With that, (y/n), (m/n), and Rowena began running.
   Because of all the people running around, someone ran into the family and (y/n) fell to the ground. The music box fell out her hand and went spinning away.
   The princess panicked. "My music box!"
   She ran after it, Rowena calling after her, "No, dear, it's not worth it! Come back!"
   Rowena then followed after her granddaughter, telling (m/n) to be careful. She had scarcely left when Lucifer reappeared and stabbed her through the back. "Betray me, (m/n), my dear? I think not!"
   Then he disappeared again.
                           * * * * *
   Gabriel and Castiel had immediately jumped into action, fighting off the demons, when they heard the commotion from the princess.
   Gabriel's attention was drawn to her. He turned his gaze to Castiel and shouted, "I'm going to save her! You get out as many people as you can!"
   He started to move when Castiel grabbed him by the arm. "Gabriel, be safe."
   He pulled him into a hug. "Shut up." Gabriel said.
   With that, he took off.
   Castiel immediately grabbed the Winchester boys and transported them out of there as fast as he could.
                           * * * * *
   (Y/n) had found her music box mere minutes before a demon was about to descend on her. Rowena let loose a spell that sent the demon flying through the air and into the nearest wall. She scooped her granddaughter up and they ran into the nearest room, locking the door.
   It wasn't more than a second later when Gabriel appeared inside the room with them. Rowena was shielding her granddaughter. Gabriel's gaze softened when he saw his little princess snuggled in her grandmother's arms.
   "Rowena, don't worry. I'm one of the good guys. (Y/n)...I'm her guardian angel."
   Rowena nodded. "I remember you fought alongside us in the battle and almost got Lucifer."
   "This time, I won't let him escape." Gabriel promised. "But first I have to get you and her somewhere safe."
   He walked over and grabbed Rowena. Within a second, they were on earth. A large snowstorm was brewing wherever they were.
   "Well we're back on earth." Gabriel announced. "Now I just need a location I can take her...somewhere she will be safe."
   Rowena was shaking with the little girl in her arms. "Paris. I have a house there. She'll be safe with me."
   "Paris it is then."
   Gabriel prepared to transport the three of them again when he was suddenly knocked to the ground. Rowena looked up in fear to find that Lucifer was standing right there, Archangel blade in his hand, an evil smirk adorning his face.
   "I'm baaaaaaackkkkk! Did you miss me?"
   Gabriel jumped to his feet and shouted at Rowena to take the child and run. Rowena nodded then took off as fast as her legs would carry her. On the way, (y/n) dropped her music box again but she didn't notice as she was carted away. Lucifer tried to follow but Gabriel stepped in his way, holding his Archangel blade in his hand.
   "Not this time."
   Lucifer snarled. "Gabriel, get out of the way!"
   "No!" Gabriel shouted, pure power coming from his words. "You will not touch her!"
   "They are scum, worthless, and pretenders to what is rightfully mine!"
   "I don't care." Gabriel said. "You will not hurt that child...not while I live and breathe. She is innocent in all of this."
   "A child? You will let a child get between family?"
   "I'm warning you, Lucy! Do. Not. Touch. Her."
   " love that child? Her little guardian angel? Fancy that when she gets older and turns into every man's dream that she will fall for you and it'll be like true love? Grow up, Gabriel! Life isn't a fairytale!" Gabriel did not move. "So you're willing to die for her?" Still, Gabriel stood his groubd. He sighed. "Brother, don't make me do this."
   "No one makes us do anything."
   So saying, he slashed out with his blade. The two began fighting but, unfortunately, Lucifer was stronger. He knocked Gabriel to the ground. With his blade pointed at his brother's neck, he said, "I'm not gonna kill you. But I'll make you wish I had."
   With that, he sliced open the other Archangel's throat and took his grace, leaving him nearly powerless. Sighing, he tried to disappear when he realized something on the ground at his feet.
   That's when Castiel appeared. Lucifer grabbed his blade and desperately sliced at Castiel's back. Castiel barely noticed as he snapped his fingers and holyfire surrounded Lucifer. Lucifer snarled. "Oh how clever! But I will get out!"
   "Doesn't matter. She's safe...and you'll never find her."
   That's when the pain in his back sent Castiel to the ground. "My wings!" He shouted.
   Lucifer laughed. "I guess we all lost something today, didn't we?"
   Gabriel helped Castiel to his feet and the two men grabbed the boys that had been with Castiel and ran.
                           * * * * *
   (Y/n) and Rowena were nearing their destination. The train was already pulling from the station.
   Rowena set her granddaughter down and took her hand as they rushed to catch the train. The older woman was helped on but (y/n) wasn't quick enough.
   "Slow down the train!" Rowena shouted but was unheard as the passengers onboard were all shouting at one another.
   Rowena grabbed her granddaughter's hand and told her to hold on but the young girl couldn't keep up and let go, falling onto the train tracks. She hit her head hard on the platform and a small amount of blood trickled down her head.
   "NOOO!!!" Rowena yelled as she tried to get off the train but the other passengers held her down. "There's been enough death tonight."
   Rowena glared at the others. "She's not dead. And I will find her again."
   So many lives had been destroyed that night. So much death. So much pain and sorrow.
   Gabriel and Castiel ended up going into hiding. Sam and Dean ended up in an orphanage after that. They forgot about that night as their minds blocked the unpleasant memories. Rowena eventually made it to Paris where she immediately began her search for finding her granddaughter.
   And, as for (y/n), she lived. But she couldn't remember a thing...

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