Chapter 4

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   Meanwhile, Gabriel and Castiel sat at a table inside what had once been Crowley's house for when he was on earth.
   Castiel finally cleared his throat to speak. "Gabriel, I've been thinking." Gabriel nodded, only half listening. "Why are we looking for (y/n) anyway?" Gabriel looked up sharply, anger clouding his golden orbs. "What I mean haven't been the same since..."
   "Since what? Since I failed her?" Gabriel asked, his golden brown eyes burning even more angrily. "Since I lost my grace?" Sadness took over his expression. "Because it's the only way and it would certainly solve almost all of our problems." He reminded. "Rowena is offering a reward for anyone who manages to find her lost granddaughter. And every year that passes, she gets more desperate."
   A mischievous smile started to spread over his face as he rose to his feet. "All we have to do is find someone who could play the part of (y/n) and then teach her, train her, have her dress the part, and take her to Paris!" Gabriel continued. "Think about it. I need my grace back. And, Cassie, she can fix your wings." Cas instinctively reached back and touched the spot where they had once been. "We need this."
   "I still don't feel comfortable with this." Castiel admitted.
   "That's the beauty of it, little bro." Gabriel's mischievous "trickster" smile was playing at his lips. "It's my plan. You just have to sit back and watch me work my magic."
   Castiel shook his head. "I'm already regretting this."
                            * * * * *
   The Impala pulled up the long driveway and Dean parked in front of the house which looked more like a mansion, albeit a rugged one overgrown by weeds and vines.
   As the three of you got out the car, Dean whistled, "Yikes! This place went to hell!" He turned his attention to Sam. "You sure this is the place?"
   "That's what the GPS says."
   Dean looked back at you and nodded. "Well then, let's go find ourselves an Archangel."
   The three of you made your way up to the house, only to find all the doors and windows were locked and boarded up. You quickly noticed that one of the windows was broken and tugged at the boards that covered it. With one strong tug, the boards came off, but sent you to the ground, falling on your butt.
    Sam and Dean glanced over at you. "That's our girl!" Dean said, helping you up. "Ladies first."
   Taking a deep breath, you shimmied your way through the window, your brothers following not far behind.
                           * * * * *
   Gabriel was just starting to drift off in his chair when he heard a loud noise coming from the side of the house.
   "Cas, did you hear that?"
   "Someone's trying to get in the house." Castiel said.
   "No shit, Cassie. C'mon let's go!"
   The pair then left the room and began looking for the intruder.
                        * * * * *
   The house was bigger than you'd thought! It was a large maze of rooms and hallways that branches out to even more rooms and hallways. How were you supposed to find your way through this place?!
    "Hello?" You shouted. "Is anybody home?"
    You and your brothers listened for any sound. There was none.
    "Ok. Then I guess we take a look around." You said.
    "Fine. But you stick close beside us."
    With that, the three of you began looking around. In each room you went into, you could see that the house had fallen into disrepair.
   At one point, you walked into another room, which must've been the banquet hall. There was a long wooden table covered in plates, glasses, and silverware. Everything was just so dusty but also beautiful. You found yourself looking at them and you could've sworn you heard a voice.
   "Daddy! Pick me up! Hold me!"
   You could've sworn you saw a little girl being spun by a taller man in a suit. You shook your head and realized your brothers weren't with you.
   Where had they disappeared to?
   You found yourself wandering from room to room, looking for them, but you kept seeing things that didn't make sense. It was like you were watching a movie play out that you had seen a long time ago. It was familiar but you also not at the same time.
   You wandered into what looked like the entrance room. It was huge and almost completely empty. Quietly, you hummed a little tune that had always helped you sleep, even at the toughest of times. You couldn't remember where you'd heard the melody from.
   Suddenly, from the top of a large set of stairs, you heard a loud, angry voice call out, "What are you doing here?!"
    Without even thinking, you panicked...and ran.

Anastasia (Supernatural au: Gabriel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now