Chapter 6

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    The Winchesters and the two angels had got in Dean's car and were speeding down the road. Miles of dense forest shaded the road on either side.
    You sat in the back with the angels and had started a conversation with them, trying to get to know them better. You found you kind of liked both of them for different reasons. Castiel seemed to be the quieter one, not speaking much unless it was needed unlike his brother. Gabriel had a mischievous streak. He was forever making jokes and flirting with you, much to your brothers' discomfort.
   "So why are we driving?" Dean asked after a few miles. "Couldn't you guys just...I dunno...zap us there?"
   Gabriel was quiet for once. Castiel was the one to speak up. "Unfortunately not. My brother and I had a little accident some years ago. Gabriel is low on grace and I..." He trailed off.
   "He lost his wings." Gabriel said quietly.
   Feeling bad, you took Castiel's hand. "I'm so sorry, Cas. That must be awful."
   Castiel smiled at you. "Thank you for your concern, (n/n)."
   You smiled back before leaning back in your seat and fiddling subconsciously with the key on your necklace. For a few minutes, it was quiet. Then Gabriel decided to ruin the peace.
   "Stop fiddling with that thing! Sit up straight! Remember, you're supposed to be the princess!"
   You pouted. "Gabe, do you really think I'm royalty?"
   Gabriel smiled. "Of course I do, sugar."
   You turned to him with rage burning in your eyes. "Then stop bossing me around!"
   Gabriel was dumbfounded. Dean was laughing like a hyena. "That's what you get when you try to tell (n/n) what to do!"
   Sam was also smiling. "She was that way even back in the orphanage. Not really someone you wanna mess with."
   Castiel seemed thoughtful. "She certainly has a mind of her own."
   Gabriel shook his head. "I hate that woman."
    "Well I hate you too, sugar." You mocked. "I'm tired. Imma take a nap since we have a way to go."
   Without waiting for an answer, you laid down with your head in Gabriel's lap. You couldn't be sure, but you could've sworn you felt him stroking your hair as you slept. Then you fell into sweet unconsciousness.
                             * * * * *
   Meanwhile, unbeknownst to you or anyone with you, Lucifer had already started preparing himself to take you down. He sat on his throne in Hell with a small group of demons standing mere feet from him.
   The group had seven members, each one dressed like bikers in leather and studs. The leader was a tall woman with blond hair dressed in the same outfit, holding a black fan in one hand and a leash in the other. The leash was attached to a large hellhound.
   The rest of the group consisted of four men, another woman with dark hair, and what looked almost like a live gargoyle with pointy horns and teeth, and large bat wings.
   "I have called all of you here for a very important reason." He explained the situation. "Take out the others if you must but I want that girl dead or you will be next!!"
   The blond woman grinned evilly. "With pleasure."
                           * * * * *
   You were rudely awakened from a good dream by someone shaking you. Panicking, you immediately punched the person touching you. With that, you heard a loud groan as you opened your eyes.
   "What the hell?!" You heard Gabriel shout.
   "Rule number one of living with (n/n)." Sam said. "Never wake her while she's sleeping."
   You laughed. "Come on." Dean said. "If you want something to eat or want to stretch your legs for awhile, this would be the time to do it."
   "K." You said, shrugging as you got up and walked towards the store, hearing Gabriel, behind you, "I think you broke my nose!"
   You rolled your eyes as you continued walking. Men are such babies!
                           * * * * *
   You and the guys left the store, arms full of bags. Dean was licking his lips at the thought of pie while you and Sam held bags filled with drinks and food respectively.
   There weren't many other people at the store. As the group of you reached the car and were loading the bags in the car, a group of bikers rode up on their motorcycles.
   A group of the males started whistling at you and you clutched your bags closer to you, trying to ignore them. One of the men immediately walked over to you and grabbed the things from your hands.
   "Hey! Give those back!" You shouted.
   "Aww! Now, sweetheart, a beautiful woman like you shouldn't be out here all alone." His friends moved over and began to harass you. The guy who grabbed your things had set them down to grab you. "Why don't you come home with us?"
   "Let her go, you bastard!" Your brothers were screaming as they moved over to you.
   The guys surrounded you and that's when the two females moved over as well. "Is there a problem?" The lead biker, who turned out to be the blond woman, asked.
   You could hear growling close by. Your brothers started fighting the bikers and that's when several things happened in succession.
   First, something invisible came out of nowhere to claw at you but Castiel quickly shoved his blade in it. Then a large thing with bat wings flew out of nowhere and grabbed you!
   You could hear Gabriel and Castiel shouting at your brothers, "Be careful! These are powerful demons and they have a hellhound!"
    "(N/n)!" Your brothers shouted as soon as the thing grabbed you and carried you away.
   Dean started trying to run to grab you but Castiel grabbed him by the shoulder. "Don't, Dean. That is the Alpha Demon and he is very dangerous and not easily defeated. Let Gabriel take care of him. We've got these demons to worry about."
   That's when Gabriel jumped into the air and caught the Alpha Demon. He began fighting with it and managed to grab you from its arms. You clung to Gabriel as the Alpha climbed higher into the air and disappeared.
   Gabriel held you close and you could've sworn you saw the glimpse of something golden before you buried your face in his jacket.
   A second later, he landed. By this point, the rest of the demons had been dispatched. "We need to get out of here." Gabriel said. "Before someone sees this mess."
   You all nodded and grabbed your things, getting in the car and Dean hit the gas as you sped off once more.

Anastasia (Supernatural au: Gabriel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now