Part 1 (SOPHITZ!) - Chapter 1 -

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Sophie Elizabeth Foster rolled over and sat up, yawning and stretching.
There was a knock on her bedroom door.
"Come in!" Sophie called out, just wanting to collapse back onto the fluffy mountain of pillows behind her.

The door creaked open, and Edaline popped her head through, smiling. "Good morning, Sophie," She simpered lightly. Sophie swung her legs to the side of the bed and padded over to her. "Morning, Edaline."
Edaline smile grew even wider as she ruffled her adoptive daughter's blonde hair. "Today's the first day of Foxfire, remember?" She reminded, her smile growing sappy. "Oh, yeah," Sophie said dreamily, thinking of a certain someone with beautiful teal eyes and a crisp acc-

"Wait, today?" Sophie's eyes popped open, and she hurried to her wardrobe to pull out her foxfire uniform. Edaline chuckled lightly and closed the door softly saying, "Breakfast is ready when you are, Sophie."

Sophie pulled on her uniform and washed her face and pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail, ignoring the makeup.

"And where do you think you're going?" said a chirpy voice behind her. Sophie inwardly groaned and spun around to talk to her vanity.

"Vertina, I'm going to Foxfire, duh."
"Oh, yeah that school that you always complain about that's named after the glowing fungus?"
Sophie rolled her eyes.
"Yes, that one."
"Great. Now let me do your hair and makeup, or I'll call Edaline." Vertina threatened.
Sophie put her hands up in surrender, "OK!!"

"Good. Now for your hair, undo it. Yes. Then twist the lock of hair on your shoulder and pin it up with that diamond pin over there. See, It looks better already! Now, split the hair in half and--"

"WHAT?" Sophie screeched.

"By in half, I mean separate it." Vertina looked annoyed. "Yes. Now braid that half with a golden string and a black one. Yep. Now, curl it on top of the twist-- that's why I told you not to use that fancy pin. No, NO! Twist it clockwise!" Vertina wrung her tiny hands together, looking anguished. "Yes! Take the part that's still down, yes that bit, and curl it into two separate loose buns and string them-- BOTH-- to the centre of the braid. Perfect. Now, grab a golden and black eyeliner, that's it. Don't look so surprised; it's just school. Oh, and grab the sparkly lip gloss in the corner. Yeah. Now, use the black eyeliner in the inner part of your eye, then twirl it slightly at the end...YES! Now do the same for the other side.... OK, OK, good. Now take the gold eyeliner and continue it with a little flick at the end.  Yes. Now, back to the black, use it for small dots around the end of the gold tick...Yep! And I think you know how to put on lip gloss...You missed a spot...OK, ready to go. "

Sophie immediately dropped everything, grabbed her school bag and rushed from the room, but not forgetting the pat Iggy on the way out. "Morning, Grady!" she called out as entered the kitchen, where they were eating. Grady looked up from reading a blackened scroll. "Morning, Soph." He replied before picking up what looked like plum and squeezed the whole thing in his mouth. Too used to this, Sophie plopped down in her usual seat and picked up a crispy green leaf on her plate. Grady folded his scroll and put it on the chair beside him. "Teleporting or Leapmaster?"

Sophie swallowed. "Leapmaster." She mumbled before picking up another crispy leaf, deciding not to mention it tasted like bacon. Grady stood up with a loud sigh. "Best get going to wash Verdi." He winked at Sophie and strode out of the kitchen. Wondering what the day would bring, Sophie picked up her bag, stuffed the final leaf in her mouth, and called out Foxfire to the Leapmaster.

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