Chapter 19

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“Go and enjoy the party. Tomorrow, we will draw up a contract for you.” Rotta told the Mandalorian. 

“Ask one of my guards for lodging if you need it and a room will be provided. Remember, I take care of my own.” The Hutt added as he waved the Mandalorian away. 

The Mandalorian nodded and wandered off to find a shadowy corner where he could assess the situation. He glanced at Elara. She had undoubtedly seen him. While she was trying not to be obvious about it, her eyes flicked around the room and landed on him every few minutes. The other Hapan either didn't know of their connection or was wisely avoiding drawing attention to it. As he looked around the Hutt's palace, a plan began to form in his mind. 

"Here's our plan," Astrid began. 

"We'll knock on the door and tell Untar that we need to use the bathroom. Then we'll see what your Mandalorian can do." She continued. 

"Okay, right." Elara agreed. 

"Even if he can't help us escape right now, he'll be able to see what our routines are and who carries the keys." 

Elara nodded along. 

"You've obviously thought about this a lot." She said. 

"Five years in this box? Yeah, I've thought about escaping a time or two. I’ve just been waiting for the right opportunity to come along." Astrid replied, darkness shadowing her face. 

Elara watched her stand. 

"Follow my lead." Astrid said, offering Elara a hand up. 

She pounded on the door of the glass box. Untar, who was standing just outside, turned. He unlocked the door and pulled it open, saying something to Astrid in his guttural language. 

"Untar, come on. We've both gotta go!" Astrid whined. 

Untar grumbled and then produced their chains. He hooked them onto their collars and led them through the crowd of celebrants. 

The Mandalorian saw Elara and the other Hapan woman being led from the glass box. He needed a way to position himself close to her without arousing suspicion. He looked at the partiers and noticed how drunk and rowdy they had become. 

He navigated through them till he was close to the path the Gamorrean guard was carving through the crowd. Just before the guard reached him, he knocked into a man. The man spilled his drink all over the woman he had been dancing with. The woman shrieked and the drunken man reeled back to shove the Mandalorian. 

The Mandalorian let the shove knock him down. He careened backward and collided with a soft small body. He found himself lying on the floor next to Elara, whose chain had been ripped from the hands of the Gamorrean. 

"Be out of the box tomorrow night at eleven." He whispered quickly. 

She gave him an almost imperceptible nod as she was hauled to her feet by the Gamorrean. 

"Stupid drunken Buckethead." The Gamorrean guard yelled at him. 

The Mandalorian pretended to be drunk and stood shakily. He waved at the Gamorrean and slurred an apology. He kept up the act till he was out of sight and then he wandered through the palace, taking note of potential exits and hiding spots. When he was satisfied, he left the palace and trekked back to the Razor Crest. He had plans to prepare for. 

After visiting the bathroom, Elara and Astrid were returned to the box. As soon as Untar locked the door, Astrid assaulted Elara with a barrage of questions. 

“Are you okay? What did he say? Does he have a plan to get you out?” She asked in one breath. 

Elara sat on the cushions and Astrid joined her on the ground. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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