Chapter 5

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A few hours later the Razor Crest landed on Nevarro. The Mandalorian walked back to his bunk and found that Elara had slept through landing. He watched her for a moment. She looked so peaceful asleep. The stress of the past day had completely vanished from her face. 

He said her name softly. 


She didn’t stir. 

“Elara.” He said louder. 

She still didn’t move so he reached down and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. 

“Elara, wake up. We’re on Nevarro.” 

She groaned and opened her eyes. When she saw the Mandalorian over her she smiled sleepily. How can she be so trusting of me? He wondered. He couldn’t help it. Her vulnerability was deeply attractive to him. He mentally cursed himself. He needed to stop thinking like that. She was Hapan. No matter how different she said she was, she would never be interested in someone whose face she could never see. He abruptly turned and left the room. 

Elara stood and stretched. She looked around for her bag that Gran had packed. She dumped the contents on the bed, hoping her glasses would be inside. She frowned when she didn’t see them. She pulled on a pair of tight black pants and a loose fitting hooded tunic. She turned and headed to the cockpit. 

“Let’s go.” The Mandalorian said without even glancing at her. 

She followed behind him as he led her out of the loading bay. The Carbonite bounties had already been unloaded. Elara looked around curiously. They were on a desert planet. She smiled up at the bright sunlight on her face. It wasn't quite as strong as the light around Hapes, but it felt familiar enough. 

The Mandalorian led her from the airfield through a crumbling town. Beings of all races walked through the streets. An open air market was set up with food, clothing, weapons, and even people being sold. 

Elara paused looking at a young woman being bid on. She couldn’t understand the language being spoken, but she recognized fear on the woman’s face. A hand tightly gripped her arm. She gasped and turned quickly to see the Mandalorian.

“Come on. Keep up.” He said, pulling her forward. 

“Don’t leave my side. The last thing I need is for you to go missing here.” 

Elara reddened embarrassed at being chastised but nodded. People around them had begun to notice her. A Hapan was an uncommon sight in these parts. Both men and women openly stared at her. 

“How much for the Hapan?” A winged Toydarain asked the Mandalorian, trying to keep pace with him.

“She’s not for sale.” He replied and grabbed Elara’s hand, tugging her closer to him. 

The Mandalorian pulled her hood over her head in an attempt to block the view of onlookers. Elara allowed herself to be led along as she gazed around at the multitude of different beings. She had never seen so many unique looking creatures in her life. The Mandalorian opened the door of a building and gently pushed her inside ahead of him. Hand on her shoulder, he guided her to a table where a dark skinned man was sitting. 

“Mando! What’s this? A Mandalorian and a Hapan? What a mysterious and interesting combination.” He remarked with a huge grin spreading across his face. 

“Greef Karga. This is Elara.” He said as he eased her into a seat. 

He sat down beside her. It didn’t escape his notice that she had already turned heads of other guild members in the bar. Greef slid him his payment across the table. 

“What other jobs do you have?” The Mandalorian asked. 

“You aren’t going to tell me more about your companion?” Greef asked with a smirk.

The Mandalorian remained silent. 

“Alright, Mando. Always so private. Here’s a few that have just come up.” 

Greef slid a few pucks across the table. The Mandalorian studied them. 

“These aren’t even paying enough to cover travel costs. I need something bigger.” 

Elara watched him slide the pucks back to Greef. Greef pursed his lips and glanced at her before speaking.

“There is one. It’s a big one. The client needs a discreet bounty hunter. He will only give me his address. You’ll have to meet him for more details.” 

The Mandalorian paused in thought. Elara stared at his helmet, wishing she could see his expression. Her savior really was inscrutable. Even his voice wasn’t exactly his own. It came out altered, slightly metallic. She couldn’t help but imagine what his deep calm voice sounded like without his helmet on. 

“I’ll take it.” 

The Mandalorian was once again towing Elara through the streets of Nevarro. He pulled her into an empty alleyway and lightly pushed her against a stone wall. He stood close to her, forcing her to look up at him. 

“If they ask, you’re a member of my crew. Got it?” The Mandalorian ordered her. 

She nodded. 

“This could be a dangerous situation. If anything happens, get behind me. If something happens to me, then try your best to get back to the Razor Crest.” 

“Alright, let’s go.” He said and turned the corner quickly. 

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